This is similar to the I15. Monthly Census Report with subtotals by provider and case type.
The I20 report has an Excel output that displays the month-wise sum of receipts and on-account balance of each provider.
I20 has an offline reporting feature.
Search Filters for the I20 Report
Filter | Description |
Acct. Date | Accounting Date of Payment posting |
Legal Entity | To filter the report for a specific legal entity |
Provider | To filter by a specific provider |
Case Type | To filter results for a specific case type |
Search Screen of I20 Report
Important Columns in I20 Report
Acct. Date (Payment Posting Acct. Date) |
Provider |
Case Type |
Patient |
Case # |
Legal Entity |
Insurance(Primary, Secondary, Tertiary) |
DOS Range |
CPT (Procedure code) |
Rev Code |
Units |
Charges |
Paid By (Patient, Insurance, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary) |
Adj. Amt |
Rem. Amt. (Remaining amount in the line after posting) |
Line Status (Current line status) |
Insurance Aging Buckets (Current,31-60, 61-90,91-120, 121-150, 151-180, >180) |
Patient Aging Buckets (Current,31-60, 61-90,91-120, 121-150, 151-180, >180) |
Sample I20 Report
Possible Output of I20 report
1st Excel | To download the report as an Excel Spreadsheet. | Fields in the Excel output of I20 | |
2nd excel | To output the results to an excel file showing sum of Receipts and On-account Balance of each provider | Fields in Month-wise sum of receipts&On-Acct |