
This is similar to the I15. Monthly Census Report with subtotals by provider and case type.


The I20 report has an Excel output that displays the month-wise sum of receipts and on-account balance of each provider.

I20 has an offline reporting feature.

Search Filters for the I20 Report

Filter Description
Acct. Date Accounting Date of Payment posting
Legal Entity To filter the report for a specific legal entity
Provider To filter by a specific provider
Case Type To filter results for a specific case type

Search Screen of I20 Report

Important Columns in I20 Report

Acct. Date (Payment Posting Acct. Date)
Case Type
Case #
Legal Entity
Insurance(Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)
DOS Range
CPT (Procedure code)
Rev Code
Paid By (Patient, Insurance, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)
Adj. Amt
Rem. Amt. (Remaining amount in the line after posting)
Line Status (Current line status)
Insurance Aging Buckets (Current,31-60, 61-90,91-120, 121-150, 151-180, >180)
Patient Aging Buckets (Current,31-60, 61-90,91-120, 121-150, 151-180, >180)

Sample I20 Report

Possible Output of I20 report

1st Excel To download the report as an Excel Spreadsheet. Fields in the Excel output of I20
2nd excel To output the results to an excel file showing sum of Receipts and On-account Balance of each provider Fields in Month-wise sum of receipts&On-Acct