
The Appointment Schedule Report is a detailed appointment report that includes some patient financial information. The additional information is the copay amount (saved), patient balance, and on-account balance.


1. This report is a detailed report that shows you all the appointments in a day or a date range. It gives the appointment type, time, and status and also includes patient details such as patient insurance, account type, patient balance, etc.

2. A direct ‘Export to Excel (detailed)’ option (see Image 1) is provided and is a quicker report generation option where users need not wait for the report to load and paint to the screen and can instead directly have it exported into Excel.

3. A direct export to CSV option is available with the following fields:

Patient Last Name, Patient First Name, Cell Phone Number, Provider Name, Location Name (Legal Entity), Appointment Status, Appointment Type, Appointment Date.

Search Filters of A1 Report

Field  Description
Appt. Start Date/ End date Provide start and end dates, or select an appropriate date range from the drop-down.
Legal Entity Search by Legal entity
Provider Name Search by provider name
Appt. Source Select how the appointment was made Web/Phone/Email/ Walk-in
Appt. Status Checked in/ Checked out/ Canceled/Missed, etc.
Appt. Type Consultation/Follow Up etc.
Include Cancelled Check this box to include canceled appointments
Include Hospital Care Check this box to include Hospital care appointment status along with the result.
Include Scheduling Density for time(in mints) delta To include scheduling density and average scheduling density for the time frame given.
Sort By To sort the result by either Date/ Patient/ Legal Entity/ Provider

Search Screen of A1 Report

Sample A1 Report

Export options provided for A1 Report

Option Description

Direct Excel (Detailed) Fields in the Direct excel output of A1 report(Detailed)
Direct CSV output Fields in the Direct CSV output of A1 report(Rater8)
 View as PDF; this is a very detailed output
Realmed Eligibility CSV Pipe Separated
Realmed Eligibility CSV Fields in the Realmed Eligibility CSV output of A1 Report
Appt Schedule Report with On-account Balance Fields in the excel output of A1 with On-account balance