
This is a batch eligibility report displaying the patient’s real-time eligibility and benefit information. The report can be filtered based on the appointment date or previous run date. For the error responses, the rejection reason is displayed on the report.


1. Eligibility status reports can be generated only if the eligibility verification option is activated with the clearinghouse.

2. The A10 report can be used for two main purposes.

A. Run batch eligibility check in one single go:- Select Appt. Date from the date filter and provide the date range. Click on to list the appointments in the given range. Click on button to check the eligibility of the listed patients in one go.

B. List all eligibility checks done in the system. To find the eligibility verification status, select Eligibility Date from the Date search filter and provide the date range. The report will list any verification done within the given range. This will include any individual eligibility checks done from patient demographics.

3. The A10 report displays eligibility details like coverage details (cov. status, cov. period, cov. level, cov. type), subscriber#, and additional payer information (payer name and address) received from the clearinghouse. It also shows the user who performed the last eligibility check and the date on which the check was performed.

4. The A10 report shows the total insurance balance and total patient balance in the report and its Excel output.

5. A direct export to Excel option is available.

Search Filters of A10 Report

Field Description
Appt. Date /Eligibility Check Date Select one from the drop-down and provide the date range.
PR.INS. Primary Insurance
Appt. Type Consultation/Follow Up etc.
Appt. Status Checked in/ Checked out/ Canceled/Missed, etc.
Appt. Source Select how the appointment was made Web/Phone/Email/ Walk-in
Legal Entity To search by Legal entity
Provider Name To search by provider
Coverage status Active Coverage, Active: full Risk Capitation, Active: services capitated, inactive, inactive: pending Eligibility Update, etc.

Search Screen Of A10 Report

A Sample Part of A10 Report

Eligibility Verification

To verify the eligibility, hit button. If the full eligibility details for a patient need to be reviewed, click on the icon under the view header; a new window with detailed eligibility information will appear as in Image 3.

Possible Outputs of A10 Report

Direct Excel output- Fields in the Excel output of A10 Report