
This report lists all patient recalls and alerts added to the system.


For every patient for whom recalls are created, the report highlights the recall details like the initiation date, due date, created user, assigned to, reminder status, review date, reviewed by, etc., along with the patient details.

Patient communication information is also included in the report.

Search Filters for C1 Report

Field Description
Due Date To Filter by the due date set for the recall, provide a due date range
Initiate Date To filter by initiation date of the recall, provide initiate date range (providing either due date or initiation date is mandatory)
Alert/Recall Creation Date To filter results by recall creation date
Patient DOB Date field; to provide the range of patient date of births.
Reminder Status Select Completed/Pending/Void/Reviewed/ALL
Assigned To User Recalls can be filtered according to the user to whom it is assigned
Reminder Type To filter by reminder types; select one from the drop-down Alert/Callback/Completion/ReCheck/Recall, etc.
Reminder Category To filter recalls by category like billing, X-ray, etc., choose one from the category drop-down.
Patient To view recalls of a specific patient; This is a smart search field; Provide name or MR#
Include Void To include Voided recalls along with the result (Reminder status: Void)
Include Completed To include Completed recalls along with the result (Reminder status: Completed)

Search Screen of C1 Report

Sample C1 Report

Possible Outputs of C1 Report

Fields in the Excel output of C1 Report

PDF output