Encounter Lines displays the different Procedures associated with an Encounter, DOS start and End Dates, the related diagnoses, the Charges, and Total Amount, Adjustment Amount, Claim Status, Accounting date, etc. Refer to Image 1.

Image 1

Table 1 describes each field of the Encounter Line in detail.

Field Description
Proc. Code The procedure codes used in the encounter will be listed here. Click on the procedure code to edit it.
D1, D2, D3, D4 Select the Diagnosis for which the procedure codes have been added.
M1, M2, M3, M4 Select the modifiers for a diagnosis. You can select up to four.
Units Enter the number of units
UOM Select the Unit of Measurement
Charge($) The charge per unit will be displayed here.
Total($) The total amount for the procedure will be displayed here
Paid The amount received by the practice for the procedure to date
Status Click in this box to change the claim status, select an option from the list.
Balance The Remaining amount will be displayed here. (Total amount- paid amount)
Adj. Amt. ($) Adjustments, if any, will be displayed here
Adj. Reason If any Adjustment amount has been entered, a valid reason for the adjustment should be selected from the list provided.
Line Note You can Add or Edit line notes by clicking this icon
Remarks You can enter any Payer remarks in this box.
Rev. This option allows you to Reverse a payment posting and take back the amount.
RP Displays the Rendering Provider; moving the mouse over the RP will display the name of the Provider.
Acct. Date Displays the accounting date for the line.
Delete To delete an encounter line, click on  in the corresponding line. Only lines in the NEW status can be deleted. Lines in any other status will have the icon greyed out().

Table 1