1. Is it possible to map a mid-level provider to a supervising provider?
Yes. To do this, go to Security> User. Identify the user from the listing and click on on the far right. In the user edit screen that pops up, a drop-down for supervising providers can be seen; select one and save the changes. Repeat this for each mid-level provider in the system so that they can access the Newcrop site without restrictions.
2. How do I change my password?
Click on the User icon on the menu bar at the top, as shown in the image below, and select Change Password from the drop-down menu.
When the Change Password screen appears, provide the following mandatory fields:
Current Password, New Password, and Confirm New Password.
Click the Save button to save the new password.
Note: The password should contain at least 5 characters, 1 uppercase character, and 3 numerals.