To generate a letter from the scheduler, first, the letter has to be saved in Letter Master under the group code PATIENT_ENCOUNTER_FORMS. All letters with this group code will be available in the scheduler for selection and can be generated as required. Follow the below-given steps to create a letter and generate it from the scheduler.
1. Select the Advanced Setup module from the menu on the left and click on the Letter Master to add/ edit letters.
2. Select the letter from the drop-down or create a letter using the icon.
3. Enter the Group Code of the selected letter as PATIENT_ENCOUNTER_FORMS.
4. Save the letter master by clicking on the Save button.
5. Select the Scheduler module from the main menu on the left.
6. Select the appointment for which the letter has to be generated by clicking on the name of the patient from the Appointment Scheduler screen. If the appointment does not exist, click on the required time schedule to create the appointment.
7. The schedule screen opens up. Enter the required information and click on the Print Letter tab(highlighted in Image 3).
8. Select the required letters by checking the corresponding checkbox.
9. Click on the Save button to generate the letter and save the changes. Image 5 is a sample letter generated from the scheduler.