
A multi-sheet excel report containing separate sheets for charges and payments and for different categories of data viz. by provider, payer, POS, locations, type of service, and financial class.

It displays the following info.

1. Total Charges and Payments By Month

2. Charges/ Payments/ Adjustments By Financial Class

3. Monthly Charges By POS

4. Monthly Charges By Rendering Provider

5. Monthly Charges By Payer

6. Monthly Charges by POS

7. Monthly Charges By Service Location

8. Monthly Payments By Service Location

9. Monthly Payments By TOS

10. Monthly Payments By POS

11. Monthly Payments By Rendering Provider

12. Graphical Representation of Charges by TOS, POS, Rendering provider and charges by Insurance; as well as payments by POS, TOS, Rendering provider and payments by Insurance.

Search Filters of H3 Report

Field Description
Acct. Dates Provide the Accounting date range
Legal Entity Provide LE to view results specific to a legal entity
Providers Select a provider from the drop-down to view the report for that provider
Insurance Select an insurance from the drop-down to view results pertaining to that insurance

Search Screen of H3 Report

Sample H3 Report

Part of H3 Graph Sheet

Part of Payments by Service Location sheet