
I11 report lists all the adjustments with the patients, date of service, and the adjustment reason. Summary and detailed filter available in the report where the summary report is high level and does not include any patient/DOS details.

Search Filters for the I11 Report

Field Description
Acct. Date Acct. date of adjustment posting; Provide the accounting date range
Patient Provide patient name to view adjustments related to a specific patient
Adj. Reason Select one from the drop-down to view results pertaining to a specific Adjustment reason
Summary/Detailed By default, the report provides detailed output. To list the adjustment reason alone with the adjustment amount, select Summary

Sample I11 Report

Image 1

Possible Outputs of I11 Report

First Excel from left:  Adjustment report Excel  Fields in Adjustment Report Excel

Second excel from left: Adjustment Posting Activity Excel sheet.  Fields in Adjustment Posting Report Excel

: PDF output.