I15 report is mostly used for institutional billing, the report contains some UB04-specific information and shows the billed and paid amounts. Additionally, the aging in the report shows the responsible entity that owes the balance (patient/insurance).
Search Filters for the I15 Report
Field | Description |
Acct. Date | Line Level Accounting Date |
DOS | Provide Date of Service range |
Legal Entity | To filter results for a specific legal entity |
Provider | To filter results for a specific provider |
Line Status | To show charges in a specific line status |
Line Sub Status | To show charges in a specific sub status |
User | User who created the charge. Choose one from the drop-down. |
Referral Source | Select an appropriate option from the drop-down |
Patient | You can search with either first name of last name |
Case Type | Choose an appropriate Case Type from the drop-down |
Insurance | You can search either for a primary insurance or a secondary |
Status Code | This corresponds to box #17(STAT) of UB04 Charge Entry |
Rev. Code starts with | To search with revenue codes |
Referring Provider | To search with referring provider |
Search Screen of I15 Report
Sample I15 Report
Possible Outputs of I15 Report