
I5 report lists those payments that have an On-Account balance, i.e., it shows all the payments that have unapplied money in them.

Note: Fully applied payments (payments where the On-Account amount is Zero) are not listed here.


1. This report provides the payment details of all payments where there is unapplied money.

2. Checks received from insurances which are not yet fully applied or partially-applied patient payments that have still has some remaining amount to be posted will be listed here. This kind of listing aids in the identifying those payments for which the postings has to be completed.

3. Patients who do not have any insurance or patient balance but still having on-account money can be filtered using the I5 report. Use the checkbox ‘Patient with No Balance (INS./Patient)’ for this. Also, patients with no balance for DOS can be filtered using the checkbox ‘Patient with No Balance for DOS’.

4. Payer info includes the complete address, including the city, state, zip code, phone number, and email of the payer. For patient payments, the payer info is taken from Patient demographics, and for insurance payments, info will be fetched from the insurance master.


1. Choose a user from the user drop-down to display all the payments created by the user still having On-account money.

2. To check whether a check received has been posted completely, provide the check number in the Check # field, and the I5 report displays the payment details if the payment is not fully applied.

Search filters of the I5 Report

Search Filter Description
Acct. Date Payment Accounting Date Range
Payment Date Payment Date Range
Payer Entity Select either Patient, Insurance, Guarantor, Attorney, or Others
Payer Name Name of the payer
Legal Entity Billing Entity
User User who created the payment
Provider Rendering provider in the payment
Check# Provide Check number in case the payment was done through check
Sort By You can sort by Amount, Amount unapplied, payment date, or Payer Entity.
Include Refund To include refunds in the report result
Include Zero Payments To include zero$ payments
Patient with No Balance (INS./Patient) To filter out patients having no insurance or patient balance but having on-account money
Patient with No Balance for DOS To filter out patients having no balance for the DOS

Search Screen of I5 Report

Sample I5 report

Possible Outputs of I5 Report

Fields in the excel output of I5

– PDF output.