
Incomplete Patient Records Report provides a list of all patients whose records are incomplete in the system.


This report aids in tracking patients with appointments in the given date range having incomplete record in the system. Incomplete records are those wherein Patient Demographics shows ‘Patient Info Incomplete’ warning.

The report has the appointment date as the search criteria. This would prioritize completion of those records with appointments rather than the ones without any.


1. To complete the records of patients who would arrive ‘Today’ for the appointment, provide ‘Today’ as the appointment date range. This helps in tracking and filling up the patient info before they arrive at the clinic.

2. Once a patient record is filled up and the Patient demographics shows ‘Patient Info Complete’, the record is removed from the list.

Search filters for the K2 Report

Field Description
Appt. date Provide the Appointment date range
Legal Entity To view results specific to a Legal Entity
Results per Page To specify how many records are to be displayed in a page.

Search screen of K2 report

Sample K2 report

Export options provided for K2 Report

Option Description

Excel output  Fields in the Excel output of K2 Report