The PCWF / CDSS system is a dynamic and rule based system where qualifying clinical rules using demographics, lab, diagnosis, medication, allergies, and various other structured data element can be configured.
For each such rule, the user can define Schedule such as daily, weekly, quarterly etc. For each of this schedule, the user can define Action(s) as what should happen, when a rule is met, on the scheduled event, the action could include various care plan or follow-up action for preventive and health maintenance.
These events can be patient reminder, education material, recall letters for scheduling, alert to the users in the system to do certain action. This could also include schedule an appt, perform certain lab work.
The PCWF/CDD is designed to provide a guideline for providers to provide preventive care, chronic care management and others.
1. Login to Practicesuite and click on PCWF/ CDSS from the main menu and choose CDSS Master. The rule created based on patient data elements (patient problem list, mediation, medication allergies, demographics and laboratory test) will be listed here. New rules can also be created from this screen.
Go to the CDSS Scheduler and select the rule Mitral Valve Replacement from the list on the left. The patient reminder based on this rule will be displayed on the right. Click on the Edit button to view the details of the rule.
2. Click on Report Central and select the Patient Care Analysis Report. Select the Type as PCWF and select the Mitral Valve Replacement criteria from the list and click on the Search button. The patient reminder list will be displayed below.
3. The patient reminder list will be displayed below the search criteria with details of the Pref. Mean of Contact, reminder schedule type, schedule frequency etc.
Go to the Clinical Desktop, create charts for the patients listed in the reminder list. Select Clinical Measures listed under OTHERS in the menu on the left. Select the APPROPRIATE CARE REMINDERS SENT item and enter YES option.