PracticeSuite Release Note
Product Release Version: 18.1.0
Product Release Date: September 2017
© 2017 PracticeSuite
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Printed September 2017 at 37600 Central Court, Suite# 260, Newark, CA 94560
Part 1 : UI Enhancement
Insurance Master
The new insurance screen has simple yet many good features being added. Fields have been rearranged for better usability and a few unimportant fields are removed. When adding a new insurance, users now have the ability to add insurance from the Clearing House’s master dropdown list. With the inline plan section, it’s easy to add or edit plans.
Other UI Enhancement / Modifications
1. Image Zooming in Patient Profile and other documents:
The Patient profile picture can be zoomed by clicking on the profile picture.
For any uploaded document, clicking on the view icon would zoom the document. Please note that this feature is available for images/picture documents only.
2. Removed scroll option from Patient Ledger and added Ledger Full Screen view option:
Fields are resized to eliminate the scroll option from the Patient Ledger. A Maximize icon is provided to open the Ledger in full screen.
3. Patient Alert popup:
Patient Alert popup is set to stay on the screen if alerts exist. By clicking on the alert, respective recall/alert details are displayed.
4. Patient Notes displayed fully:
Now, Patient notes window displays complete notes. Previously, partial text was displayed and full details were available only through mouse over.
5. Other UI enhancement/fixes:
- The compatibility issues for Scroll bar menu and submenu in iPad is fixed
- The compatibility issue with Document Scanner is fixed
- Under profile page displays current Edition of the application
Part 2 : New Reports
The following three new reports are added in Report Central under ‘Financial’ section –
J28: Procedure Aging by Financial class Report
J29: Monthly Transaction Summary Report
This report lists the Monthly Transaction Summary bifurcation along with A/R balance on Month to date and Year to date basis.
J30: Key Metrics Summary Report
Key Metrics Summary Report displays the average of Charges v/s Collections on monthly, 6 monthly and yearly basis.