PracticeSuite Release Note
Product Release Version: 18.3.0
Product Release Date: December 2017
© 2017 PracticeSuite
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Printed December 2017 at 37600 Central Court, Suite# 260, Newark, CA 94560
Part 1: MIPS Dasboard
We are excited to announce our new MIPS Dashboard tool that allow you to track your progress in all three MIPS performance categories.
- Quality (60% of score): Replaces the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS).
- Advancing Care Information (25% of score): Replaces the Medicare EHR Incentive Program (Meaningful Use).
- Improvement Activities (15% of score): New category.
To find out what criteria you’d need to meet for each measure, use our Clinical Quality Measures dashboard. Click on the icon and select measures that best fit your practice. Once you select measures, they will start appearing in your list.
Under the Advancing Care Information (ACI) tab, you can access the 2017 ACI Transition Measure Set, which includes the base score measures, performance score measures, and bonus score measures. Click on each measure name to view the measure description, performance rate, and performance weight.
Improvement Activities:
Under the Improvement Activities tab, you can access a complete list of the 92 improvement activities for this MIPS performance category. Click on each activity name to see the activity description, category, and weight. There is option to search activity by name, category and activity weighting. Review and select activities that best fit your practice.
Part 2: UI Enhancements
As part of Stage3 compliance, we have made modifications in Patient as well as EHR modules. We have highlighted some of the notable functional and UI changes below –
- Inclusion of new fields in Patient Demographics page
Added Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Suffix in Patient Demographics screen to support Stage3 requirements.
- Multi-select option given for Ethnicity field
Multi-select option is provided for Ethnicity field, in order to select multiple Ethnicities from the drop down list.
- Change in the position of Employed and Student field in Patient Master
The position of Employed and Student field is changed to Other Attributes page in Patient Master.
- Addition of Implantable Devices section under EHR Face sheet
Implantable Devices section has been added under EHR Face sheet. This allows users to record Unique Device Identifiers associated with a patient’s Implantable devices.
- New intuitive and user friendly Immunizations page
Immunizations page has been redesigned and additional fields are added to meet the Stage3 requirement. The system now allows NDC codes for immunization entry.
- Integration with EMR Direct to Send/ Receive Transition of Care/ Referral Summaries
PracticeSuite is integrated with EMR Direct to send/receive transition of care/referral summaries in a secured manner.
- Export Summary Configuration option under EMR Options
User has the ability to set the date and time period within which data would be used to create the export summaries. User can specify the storage location where the exported summary is intended to be saved. These configuration options are available under EMR Options page.
- Publication of PracticeSuite API (Application Program Interface) specifications for data exchange
PracticeSuite has published its Meaningful Use API. The API syntax, function names, required and optional parameters along with their data types are available at the below link –
- Availability of Patient Specific Education Resource in Patient Portal
The Patient Specific Education Resource is now available in the Patient Portal section. In this section, Problem list, Medication list, and Lab details will be shown from the EMR chart of the corresponding patients.
The other notable UI (User Interface) enhancements are mentioned below –
- Zoom option for Patient Insurance Card
The latest upgrade in Patient Insurance Card is the availability of Zoom option in PDF files.
- EHR Admin Page
Implementation of new User Interface (UI) page for EHR Admin including EHR Options, EMR Lookups and other admin screens.
- G1: Claims Detail Report
Added Member ID, Accession#, Last line activity date and Last activity.
- C7: Charges / Payments History Report
While running C7: Patient Charges/Payments History Report with specific patient case, it now displays the aging report of only that particular patient’s charge total.
- Included PC Ref# in Search Appointment on Scheduler page
PC Ref# field has been included in the Appointment Schedule Report search on Scheduler page.