PracticeSuite Release Note
Product Release Version: 18.5.5
EHR Version: EHR-18.0.0
Product Release Date: September 2018
© 2018 PracticeSuite
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Printed September 2018 at 37600 Central Court, Suite# 260, Newark, CA 94560
Part I – Enhancements
1. Authorization in Case:
- Users can now define Authorization by Insurance Levels in the Case screen. The auth can be added against the Primary, Secondary or Tertiary levels in the Auth # field.
2. Inter-Office Messaging:
a. File Attachment
- Users can now attach files or documents for Inter-Office communication.
b. Patient-Specific Inter-Office Messages
- A new Inbox tab in Patient demographics to view all inter-office messages for the specific patient. The Inbox is available in the EHR Alerts tab in Clinical screen.
c. To-do-list
- ‘Mark as Complete’ checkbox moved to top right-hand side corner of the screen for better usability.
Other Enhancements:
- 1. Enhancements are made in the ERA Posting to automatically accept the new Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) from the remittance advice (835) transaction. If there are any changes in insurance, it will show it in the ERA. The end user would have to manually update the information in the demographics screen.
- 2. Export option to Excel and PDF is made available in the KPI- ‘Patient Seen But Not Billed Over 30 days’ list.
- 3. Patient Statement: A new parameter is added in patient statement ‘Exclude patients with statement(s) sent in the last _______ days’. This filter can be used to define no. of days from the last statement generation date for exclusion.
- 4. MIPS Dashboard updated to reflect 2018 changes.