PracticeSuite Release Note
Product Release Version: 18.6.5
EHR Version: EHR-18.0.
Product Release Date: January 2019
© 2018 PracticeSuite
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Printed January 2019 at 37600 Central Court, Suite# 260, Newark, CA 94560
Part I – Enhancements
1. ERA Enhancements
- 1.1 Updated the ERA Payer Matching logic to automatically match to the Insurance with the highest number of claims in the ERA.
- 1.2 Concurrent access of an ERA in process is now restricted. User(s) trying to access an ERA already in Process by another user will be unable to process/modify the ERA payment and receive following message when attempting to do so – “The record you are attempting to edit is currently being modified by another user. Please try again later.”
- 1.3 A file download link has been added to the ERA listing screen to download the file in the 835 format. Alternatively, a user can mouse hover the File Name to download the ERA file.
- Image 1.3.1
2. EPSDT Information
- Enhancement in the Charge Entry/Edit module of the system to support EPSDT code information in EDI (electronic) claim.
- To have the information populate in the electronic claim, check the EPSDT checkbox in the “Others” tab of the Charge screen and enter the code in following format into the “Claim Note” field. The format to use for populating the info is – “ EPSDT:<code>” (no spaces and without the double quotes).
For example: EPSDT:AV
3. EMR – Collection date in Lab Encounter Sheet
- The Collection date will now be displayed in Lab Encounter Sheet.
4. MIPS ACI measures
- The following Quality ID measures (in addition to the existing) are added to the MIPS Dashboard: 66, 65, 378, 310, 366, 394 &379.
5. Claims Workbench
- Claims Workbench to automatically load to the new screen. A button added on the screen to open in Classic Claims Workbench for customers preferring to use the older UI.
6. Service Location Address
- Full address of the Service Location now displays on the Charge screen.
7. Scheduler Legend
- Resolved an issue for customers using Firefox browser where the Refresh, Configure Appointment Status and Close options were not visible.
Part II – Reports
8. D14: Aging Report By Payer Type
- A new report added to the Report Central named – ‘Aging by Payer Type’. The report to show SELF PAY and COLLECTION buckets separately.
- Image 8.1
9. D1: Summary Insurance Aging Report and D10: Running A/R Report Changes
- A checkbox added- “As per contract Amount” to the reports- D1. Summary Aging Report and D10. Running A/R Report. If checked and the reports are run, the expected amount is populated as the balance/outstanding amt & is derived based on the allowed amt in the Fee Schedule contracts.
- Image 9.1
- Image 9.2
10. E8: Patient/Claim Population By Insurance Report
- A new Report added to show the Patient Visit Count by Insurance.
- Image 10.1
11. C6: Patient Details Report
- Patient Race, Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Referrers Name have been added to the report.