PracticeSuite Release Note
Product Release Version: 19.4.2
EHR Version: EHR-18.0.0
Product Release Date: March 2020
© 2020 PracticeSuite
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Printed March 2020 at 37600 Central Court, Suite# 260, Newark, CA 94560
Part – 1 Enhancements
1.1 Work Queue
1.1.1. Need More Info Queue
A new tab named ‘Need more Info Queue’ is added in the messaging inbox. Senders can push claims to the queue that need to be reviewed by either their supervisor or any other user. The items that are assigned will show up in the recipient’s ‘Need More Info Queue’ list (highlighted tab in Image 1.1.1a). User(s) will send them from their Work Queue screen.
The ‘Need more Info Queue’ displays work assigned information such as – Patient Name, Message, DOS, Age since DOS, Last Followup Date and the sender (username). Users receiving the task can hover the mouse over the Message field to view the entire message as a tool-tip or can click the Reply icon to reply to the message.
Reply opens up the Next Action screen to add notes and/or reassign the item. Remind Me in option gives users the ability to temporarily hide the item for a desired period of time. Also, patient documents can be uploaded through the patient’s document management by clicking on the Attach Document link (Image 1.1.1b).
1.1.2. Email notification
Work Queue screen now has the option to send an email notification to the recipient user. For email notification to be sent, check the box- Send Email Notification (highlighted in Image 1.1.2) when saving the item.
1.2. Ability Integration
We are excited to announce our newest clearinghouse partner-Ability Networks,
The integration will provide PracticeSuite customers with next-generation revenue management tools powered by Ability’s technology.
For more info, please read press release-
1.3. Appointment Reminders Integration with Relatient
We are excited to announce partnership with ‘Relatient’ for patient-centered engagement solutions viz. patient reminders – includes phone, text and email, surveys, secure messaging, self-scheduling, intake forms and other patient engagement services.
Appointment Notification/Reminder Setup screen would have ‘Relatient’ as an option available in the notification options list. This can be subscribed as an add-on service. Please contact your sales representative to know more and to activate the service.
Other reminder service options in the drop-down include Default (PracticeSuite’s legacy notification system) and Disabled (to disable reminder notifications); see Image 1.3.
1.4. Patient Statement Generation
A new filter to exclude patients with statements sent within the specified number of days is added to the patient statement generation screen. Previously, the filter was limited to date of service, but with the new patient filter, users can exclude patients entirely from the statement cycle, refer Image 1.4.
1.5. Collections Manager
1.5.1. Flexible Drag for Claims Listing
The flexible drag feature provides users to adjust the grid size of the bottom claim listing section within the Collection Manager screen. Play below video to view how to make the grid adjustments.
1.5.2. Additional Fields Added to Excel Output
Four additional date fields added to Collection Manager Excel report export – First touch Date, Claim Threshold Date, Denial Date, and Reminder Date. Below is the explanation for the fields-
First Touch Date = Date that the claim first fell into Collection Manager.
Claim Threshold Date= The date that the claim would normally show up in Collection Manager and is based on the last submission date and the claim response limit threshold set up either in the insurance master or global setup.
Denial Date = This is populated from the “Payment Date” field in the Payment Entry screen.
Reminder Date = When adding ticklers for a claim, this is the Remind Me in date which is added from Denial Workshop screen. This is the date that the reminder is made to show up in Collection Manager.
1.6. ERA Posting Page
1.6.1. ERA Posting- Negative Adj. Claims
Claims can now be selected for posting even if the sum of adjustments is negative. Previously, the posting option was grayed out if the adjustments are negative. However, the system will display a warning if any negative adjustments show up in the ERA Posting screen. Users will need to make necessary corrections and post the ERA. However, the claim selection checkbox will continue to be disabled if the claim status code is either -22 or if there is a negative paid amt.
1.6.2. Performance Improvements
Performance improvements have been made to the ERA Posting page. Users should experience faster loading of ERA and processing with these performance improvement measures.
1.6.3. CO-45 Adjustments
Going forward, all Contractual Obligations (CO-45) amounts will be excluded from the Secondary Payments if the Primary adjustment amount exceeds that of the secondary.
1.7. X-Superbill – Void New/ Hold Charges
‘New’ and ‘Hold’ charges can now be voided from the X-Superbill screen. Previously, the user had to go to the Charge Master screen to do this.
1.8. Mass Write-off Screen – Accounting Date field
The Mass Write-off screen now has an Accounting Date field added (highlighted in Image 1.8 ). This field can be used to write off charges using a specific accounting date. Previously, when mass writing off charges, the system would have always used the current date as the accounting date and users had no option to change the date.
1.9. Charge Master- EPSDT Referral Codes and Procedure Code Description
Going forward, EPSDT referral codes can be sent in the claim information. The accepted EPSDT referral code values are – YD, YM, YV, YH, and YO. These values have been added as per certain state’s Medicaid requirements. The required code can be entered in the field named ‘Reserved for Local Use 10d’ in the ‘Others’ tab under Details in the Charge Master screen. The info will populate in the EDI claim in segment H102.
The procedure code description will from now on populate in SV107 segment in the EDI claim. This change has been made due to recent payer edits.
1.10. Patient – Attachment Type Code Options in Case
Added M1 (Medical Record Attachment) and a few others to the existing type code drop-down in the Patient Case screen.
1.11. Billing – Additional Adjustment Reasons
To standardize the adjustment codes, additional codes have been added to the standard adjustment reason codes list.
The following are the new additions to the list – Patient Uncollectible; Insurance Bad Debt; Bankruptcy; Bundled; Credentialing; Documentation; No Bill; Not Authorized; Non-Covered; Out of Network; Patient Discount; Small Balance & Untimely Filing.
1.12. Payments- Credit Card Warning Message
The warning dialog box has been made more explicit when an incomplete credit card information is inputted. Users can now see the exact missing information on the warning dialog; refer Image 1.12.
1.13. Charge Entry- Removed ICD-9 Validation
Since ICD-9 is nearly outdated, the validation has been removed from the Charge screens.
Part – 2 Reports
2.1. J7. Monthly Activity Analysis Report
2.1.1 A multi-select filter option added for payer selection; refer Image 2.1.
2.1.2 The date caption ‘As on Date’ replaced with ‘For the period ending’; see Image 2.1.
2.1.3 A new excel export option (marked with an arrow in Image 2.1), the report output that will mirror the PDF has been made available. This is in addition to the already existing detailed excel output.
2.2 I6. Posting Detail Report
An additional search filter ‘Payment Entry Accounting Date’ added to the search parameters of I6. Posting Detail Report. Payment Entry Accounting Date is also added as a column in the report result (highlighted in Image 2.2).
The column with caption ‘Accounting Date’ is renamed to ‘Posted Accounting Date'(indicated by an arrow in Image 2.2).
2.3. H9. AR Management Report
Added columns for procedure code description and Line of Business in the report result.
2.4. D15. Aging Report as of Accounting Date
Added a column for the expected amount in the detailed CSV output. The expected amount is populated from the fee schedule.
2.5. I16. Insurance Reimbursement Variance % Report
Added columns for Co-pay, Co-Insurance, and Deductible in I16 report output; see highlighted portion in Image 2.5.
2.6. D2. Detailed-Insurance Aging Report, G3- Collector productivity Report
Added PCRef# and Accession number to the excel report of D2 and G3 reports.
Part -3 Bugs
3.1. Collection Manager- Over-payment Lines Showing in No-response List.
This issue is resolved. Over-payment lines in Collection Manager will now show up in ‘All Open Lines’ list instead of in the No-Response list.
3.2. Accounting Date filter not working in Claims Workbench
This error is resolved and the Claims Workbench will filter claims on accounting date.
3.3. Inter-Office Messages- Incorrect Unread Message Count
The correct unread message count will now appear on the header pane and in the Inter-office head inside the user’s inbox.
3.4. G3. Collector Productivity Report- Extra Space in Date/Time Column
Unwanted extra space start of Date/ Time cells in G3 excel report has been removed.
3.5. J7. Monthly Activity Analysis Report- Charge Amount Split Not Showing Correctly.
Charges will split and show separately based on accounting date.
3.6. GL Report- Total Deposit Value Incorrect
The error has been resolved and the report will now accurately display the total deposit value.