Credit card processing In patient Portal & Kiosk

PracticeSuite introduces credit card payment functionality for portal enabled practices. Patients can view statements online and can pay their outstanding balances from the portal. The system will create automatic payment entry in billing module. This option is available as an Add-On feature. Please contact Sales/Support for more details.

To do so, Navigate towards Patient Portal. Click on the statements and it will bring all the patient statements generated for that patient.

This page will list all the statements of the patient with the outstanding due amount & Pay Button.

Click on the pay button will bring up the page to enter the Credit card details.


Once the payment is processed the system creates a payment entry and will return the status along with the payment number as well as a transaction number for future references.



Printer Alignment

This feature is to align CMS forms to print correctly. Also allows to increase or decrease the font size.


Click on Printer Align and the following screen will appear.


  1. Left Offset – > It determines the left margin of CMS Form. To shift towards right enter a value greater than 0 otherwise enter a value less than 0. To shift the margin one letter space enter a value 5(It may vary depends upon the font size chosen).
  2. Top Offset -> It determines the top offset of CMS Form. To shift towards bottom enter a value greater than 0 otherwise enter a value less than 0. To shift the margin one letter space enter a value 5(It may vary depends upon the font size chosen).
  3. Font size -> It determines the font size to be used while printing the CMS Form.

Provider Productivity By Insurance Report

A new report has been added to the Financial Section called ‘ Provider Productivity By Insurance Report’ which provides a detailed productivity of all Providers during a selected date range along with number of visits. We can even search the productivity with the electronic Payer id of insurance companies. We can also export this report on an excel spreadsheet or on a pdf document.


The search result will be displayed with # of visits & the paid amount of individual providers.


Insurance Payment Analysis Report

A new report has been added in report central under charges & Payments called ‘Insurance Payment Analysis Report’.


Report have the search parameters with account date Range, Legal Entity & Provider.



Procedure Code Change

Ability to change the Procedure code was made available even if the line status is WO_CLOSE or PAID_CLOSE. Previously system doesn’t allows any change in procedure code if there was any activity done on the charge.


NDC Code

Now, NDC code can also be defaulted from Encounter procedure screen with NDC units & amount just like default Modifier & CLIA for a procedure code.


Payment Deposit Report

A new field has been added to the payment deposit report called “Status”. The status will show the current status of the payment entry created like ‘New’, ‘Partially Applied’, ‘closed’, ‘void’ & ‘Fully Applied’.


A New search parameter called ‘Include Void’ is added so that we can search for the voided payments also. Click on the check box to include the voided payments to the search result.


ERA – Payer remark

With this product release, While posting an ERA payment; automatically the Insurance name and electronic payer id will get populate in the payer remark field. The same will also get populate on the Line activity of the charge also.


Scheduler – Notes

A new link for Notes has been added in scheduler bubble.


Charge Master – Line level note

If there is a claim note added in line level, then a blinking icon will appear in Charge master & Posting screen.


Charge Entry – Existing Payments

All existing copay payments excepts the fully applied payments will get displayed if we click on the select payment icon ‘HM_clip0015 ‘ in the charge entry section. We can select the appropriate payments from the list if any to post the copay payments for that charge getting created.


Case Switch – Fee Schedule

While switching the case, the system will automatically change the amount in the line level according to the fee schedule of the new case.


Charge Master – Line status

A validation has been placed in the line status so that if secondary insurance is not assigned in a case, the line cannot be set to ‘BILL_TO_SEC’


Date & Time in the superbill got corrected to reflect the Practice time zone date & time. Previously the date was showing the user system date.

The Bug is fixed.
