To generate patient statements, go to Report Central and choose ‘C2. Generate Patient Statement(s)’ under the C. Patient section.
Enter the required parameters and click Generate. If the patient has not made a payment after sending payments, then a pre-collection letter can be sent.
To generate a pre-collection letter, go to Report Central and choose ‘C3. Generate Patient Pre-Collection Letter’ under the Patient section.
Generating a pre-collection letter will change the line sub status of the claim to PRE_COLLECTION after which statements cannot be generated for that particular charge or claim.
To view the list of claims in pre-collection status, go to Report Central and choose either C3. Patient Statement Summary Report or I8. Summary – Encounter Line Activities Report under I. Charges and Payments.
Patients who do not respond even after the pre-collection letters are sent can be moved to collections. To move claims to collections, go to Report Central and choose ‘C10. Generate Patients in Collections List’.
This report will include all claims with line sub-status PRE_COLLECTION. There is an option to generate the collection letter or export the file in a CSV format and send it to the collection agency.
To list the claims or patients moved to collections, run C11. Patient Collection Report from Report Central.