Payment Types in PracticeSuite

Each practice can have its own unique payment types apart from the standard payment types in the system like the CLAIM, COPAY, DEDUCTIBLE, ADJUSTMENT, etc. These types are mapped to the standard types.

Note: The created types are internal to the system, and the mapped standard type populates in the claim.

How to create Customized Payment types

1. Select Advanced Setup and click on All Lookups.

2. Click on Billing Lookups tab and select PAYMENT_TYPE on the left pane, and click on button (indicated by an arrow in Image 1) to add a new Payment Type.

Image 1

3. On clicking button, Image 2 shows up. Enter the value and description. In the Type field, assign a standard payment type and check the checkbox Editable if you want to make it user-editable.

Image 2

4. Click on Update. The newly added payment type will be displayed as in Image 3.

Image 3


Payer Types in PracticeSuite

Each practice can have its own unique payer types apart from the standard payer types in the system like the medicaid, medicare, federal employees, etc., and map these to the standard type available.

How to create Customized Payer types

1. Select Advanced Setup and click on All Lookups.

2. Click on Billing Lookups tab and select PAYER_TYPE on the left pane, and click on button to add a new Payer Type.