Patient Eligibility for particular insurance for a given period can be checked anytime at the Eligibility screen. 1. Invoke Patient Menu to enable patient search where a patient can be searched (refer to Image 1). Image 1 2. Select the Patient and click on the Eligibility button from the patient demographic page (highlighted in Image […]
Category: Patient & Patient Account
Statement History
Statement History contains a list of patient statements generated for the selected patient. A patient statement presents the details of the due amount, such as statement date, charges billed, the amount paid by insurance, the amount paid by the patient, adjusted amount, balance, generation date and time, etc. 1. Select Patient from the main menu […]
Patient Ledger Ledger in PracticeSuite is the Financial summary of a patient. It is the window where you can view the summary of all financial transactions related to the patient. It gives a snapshot of the details of the individual claims like DOS, diagnoses, units, charges billed, Amount Paid by Patient, Paid by insurance, Adjustment, […]
Schedule History
Key Features: 1. The schedule history shows all the appointments for the patient to date. 2. The listing on the scheduler history tab is a clickable link that opens the appointment details screen. Click on any row in the listing to open the appointment details in a view-only mode (Image 4). 3. A PDF and […]
Demographic Sheet Report
Demographic Sheet Report displays the demographic information of a patient in a printable form in order to get the signed consent of the patient regarding treatment costs. In order to go to a patient’s demographics report, follow the below-given steps. 1. Select Patient from the main menu. The Patient Search screen opens up. Search for […]
Generate Patient Labels
PracticeSuite facilitates the generation of Demographic labels and Avery 5160 Lab (Adhesive type) labels. In order to create the labels, follow the below-given steps. 1. Select Patient from the main menu. The Patient Search screen opens up. Search for a patient by typing in either patient’s Last Name, First name, MR#, or the PCRef#. 2. […]
Generate Custom Letters
Custom letters include Appointment Excuse Slip, Consent of treatment of Minor, Disability certificate, etc. To generate custom letters for the patient, follow the below-given steps. 1. From the main menu, select Patient module. 2. On the Patient Search screen, enter the first three letters of the Last Name, First Name, MR#, or PCRef# in the […]