FAQs on Lab Hub

1. Does the lab hub have an auto-retrieve facility?? Yes. When the user opens the Lab Hub screen, the system will fetch all the results since the last fetch. This feature is present in the ‘Connect to Lab’ screen as well. 2. Can we assign tasks related to lab orders to another user? Yes, we […]

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FAQs on Modern Version EHR

1. Is there an auto-score calculator in PracticeSuite? PracticeSuite has an in-built auto-score calculator. It is available in Modern EHR (version 3). To learn more, click here. 2. Is Immunization information provided as part of patient handouts? Yes. The info button on the right-hand side of a saved chart will display the immunizations entered via […]

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1. How to access EMR of a patient? Go to Clinical Desktop. Click on the Patients tab and provide patient’s first name, last name, or any other search criteria and select the patient from the list. This will open the Facesheet page of the patient. To create a new chart, select ‘Current Encounter’ tab on […]

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FAQs on Immunization

1. Is it possible to edit or delete a record already sent to the Immunization Registry? Yes. From the ‘Action Code’ drop-down, select ‘Update’ to edit a file already sent and ‘Delete’ to delete the file sent. 2. Where is the patient’s consent captured? Immunization screen will capture patient’s consent for the healthcare provider to […]

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FAQs on Newcrop Access

1. How does a mid-level provider access the New Crop site without restrictions? Assign the provider to a supervising provider. For this, go to Security> User. Identify the user from the listing and click on on the far right. In the user edit screen that pops up, a drop-down for supervising providers can be seen; […]

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