Charges can be put on hold in two ways. Unposted charges can be put on hold from the charge entry screen. Posted charges require charge master to put them on hold. Hold Unposted Charges 1. To put unposted charges on hold from the Charge Entry screen, select the Charges module from the main menu and […]
Category: Charges & Claims
Add Notes for a Charge
Notes or comments on a claim can be entered from the charge master screen. 1. To enter a Line Note (Procedural Level note), click on the note icon (indicated by an arrow mark in Image 1) on the encounter line, which opens up the field to enter the line note. Image 1 2. Enter the […]
Enter Anesthesia Time
To enter the Anesthesia time of a procedure, click on the line note icon on the encounter line. On the box that pops up (see Image 1), enter the Anesthesia time. The time should be in HH: MM format, click Save & Close to save the info. Image 1
Override the Line Status
Insurance claims can be overridden to bill individual lines to the patient or to write them off. The Override drop-down in each line in the charge entry screen is used for this purpose. By default, Override has the value ‘None’ meaning that there is no override for the line and the line is set to […]
Create a Patient from Charge Entry
A new patient can be added from the charge entry screen, as well. To do so, follow the below-given instructions. 1. Select the Charges from the main menu and click on Enter Charges. 2. Click on the button next to the Patient search (highlighted in Image 1). Image 1 Patient Information screen pops up, […]
Enter charge with a different Service Location/Facility
Place of Service and Service location in the charge entry screen populates from the corresponding fields provided in the Billing Options page of the Practice. In order to change the Place of service and service location during charge entry, follow the below-given steps. 1. Select Charges from the main menu and click on Enter Charges. […]
Copy Last Charge
In many cases, it may happen that an encounter has the same diagnostic and procedure codes as the previous one. To ease the charge entry in the aforesaid case, PracticeSuite provides a Copy Last Charge Button in the charge entry screen in order to load the last saved superbill for the selected case to the […]
Authorization in the Charge Entry Screen
Authorization field in the Charge Entry screen gets populated according to the case selected. Some key points to be noted are: a. All authorizations for the patient from the primary payer in the selected case will be available in the Authorization field drop-down. b. If the selected case is a cash case, then all Self-Pay […]
Generate Superbill During Charge Entry
A superbill activity report is used to record the services provided to a patient. It can be printed individually from the Enter Charges screen or generated for multiple patients from Report Central. The Superbill Activity Report is available in the Superbill section of Report Central. 1. To print the receipt individually from the Enter Charges screen, […]
Void Submitted Claims
Void Submitted Claims 1. Go to Charge Master. Select the patient and click on the required encounter. 2. In the Resubmission Code field, select ‘Void/Cancel or Prior Claim’. 3. In the Original Ref# field, provide the original claim# as given in the EOB/ERA. 4. Go to Details tab ->Others, in the Claim Note/Special Instruction field, […]