About XSuperbill Automation PracticeSuite’s X-Superbill automation simplifies the management of large volumes of charges received through the interface by automatically running pre-existing validation rules to identify warnings or errors and thereafter processing the charges. Initial Setup To activate X-Superbill automation, navigate to Billing Options in Advanced Setup and select the enable option for Auto Process […]
Category: Charges & Claims
Custom EDI Rules
Currently running Custom Claim Rules in PracticeSuite are discussed below. Rules are clearinghouse specific. They can be viewed at EDI configuration page under Advanced Setup->Billing Options->Batch Grouping Rule->EMC Receiver ->Configure. Custom Rules for Professional Claims # Title Description Rule 1. To make Billing Provider Solo [2010AA-NM1][Box33] <PAYERID>:SOLO:PROVIDERNPI (NPI populated from provider Master) <PAYERID>:SOLO:<NPI> <PAYERID>:SOLO:<NPI>:<LAST NAME>:<FIRST […]
Enter Charges
The charge entry process is the initial and crucial stage of the billing cycle. To access the charge entry screen, select Charges from the main menu and click on Enter Charges. This article explains the different fields in the charge entry screen. The Chart Entry Screen is divided into two main panes- the Appointments pane […]
Description X-Superbill is used for charge entry and editing of bulk data. It facilitates billing of multiple patients simultaneously in a single screen and saves them to PracticeSuite. Bulk Patient Data coming in through the interfaces are processed using the X-Superbill screen. Features 1. Users Can Bulk-Hold lines in the X-Superbill X-Superbill screen has line […]
UB04 Charge Entry
The UB04 Charge Entry UB04 Charge Entry screen manages the entry and editing of UB04 charges. Some key points related to UB04 Charge Entry are: 1. UB04 charge entry is used for institutional claims only. 2. There is no mapping between procedure codes and diagnosis. 3. Revenue codes are mandatory, whereas procedure codes are not. […]
Procedure Groups
A procedure group is a collection of procedure codes that are often used in conjunction. When the group code is entered in the procedure code field, all the procedure codes in the group, along with their amounts, get populated in the respective fields during charge entry. Thus, the creation of a procedure group aids in […]
Case and Encounter
Case and encounter are co-related and relates the patient insurance (Patient himself)to each bill item ( Encounter). Hence you can find the case and encounter listed in Edit charges. From the Main Menu, select Charges and click on Edit charges to open the Edit charges page. When the Edit charge page opens up, click on […]
Encounter Lines
Encounter Lines displays the different Procedures associated with an Encounter, DOS start and End Dates, the related diagnoses, the Charges, and Total Amount, Adjustment Amount, Claim Status, Accounting date, etc. Refer to Image 1. Image 1 Table 1 describes each field of the Encounter Line in detail. Field Description Proc. Code The procedure codes used […]
Edit Charges (Charge Master)
Overview of Charge Master The charge master/edit charges screen is the primary screen for editing a patient’s charges. The left pane displays all encounters of the selected patient grouped by case. Clicking on any encounter will list the diagnosis codes, the procedure codes and their corresponding charges, the billed amount, the paid amount, the current […]
Understanding the Billing Workflow
A. Insurance Charge Workflow 1. All charges saved and not yet billed fall under NEW status. Additionally, any charge crossed over from EHR to the billing would also appear in the “NEW” status on the Enter Charges screen. Save the charge with status Bill to PR to post the charge. 2. After the first batch […]