PracticeSuite permits Credit Card payments through EMV-enabled terminals. This is in addition to the USB swipe machine feature already integrated with PracticeSuite.
Multiple terminal IDs set up for each practice can be done through the ‘Payment Gateway‘ tab in ‘Set Practice Options’ screen; see Image 1.
How to make Payment Using EMV- Enabled Terminals
A “Terminal” drop-down field is added in the payment screen for users to select the required Terminal ID for processing the payment. For credit card payments through terminals, card number, expiration date and CVV fields are not required. Image 2 shows the payment entry screen with the terminal drop-down.
A. Choose the terminal ID, provide the amount in the Total Amount Field and click on Save; a message as shown in Image 3 is presented to the user.
B. Terminal will also display the same message; see Image 4.
b1. In case of wifi-enabled cards, the card is to be shown over the machine and the amount will be deducted. Wifi-enabled cards do not require password. The terminal would first display ‘Processing Transaction’ (see Image 5) and finally ‘Approved’ message would indicate that the transaction is complete.
b2. In case of chip cards, the card needs to be inserted. The terminal will request for confirmation of amount; see Image 6. On confirmation of the amount and providing password, the amount will be deducted. Here again, the message ‘Approved’ would indicate completion of transaction.