PracticeSuite Release Note
Product Release Version: 19.2.2
EHR Version: EHR-18.0.0
Product Release Date: September 2019
© 2019 PracticeSuite
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Printed September 2019 at 37600 Central Court, Suite# 260, Newark, CA 94560
Part – I Enhancements
1.1 Collection Manager
1.1.1 Denial Category, Payer, Collection Status, and Collection Sub Status fields changed to multi-selection filter. Additional multi-select filters added to filter by procedure code, ICD, and Modifier.
Image 1.1.1a, Image 1.1.2b, and Image 1.1.1c illustrate the same.
1.1.2 Added new fields – Last Payment Date and First Follow-up Date to the Denial Category claims listing section in Collection Manager, see Image 1.1.2.
1.1.3 Units are now displayed in the Denials Workshop page, see Image 1.1.3.
1.1.4. Checkbox – ‘Show Claims in Next Action Queue’ moved to ‘More Filters’ section; see Image 1.1.4.
1.2 RCM Workqueue
Denials and No-Response claims that are pushed from the Collection Manager are shown under the same categories in Workqueue as they were in Collection Manager.
Image 1.2 Shows the Categories in Work Queue
1.3 Advanced Setup- Reopening of closed months now reserved only for admins
Once a period is closed, only a user with the Administrator role or privileges can reopen the closed period. Image 1.3a shows the Open-Close screen as seen by an admin.
In addition, to reopen a closed month, the user can click on the following link . The system will prompt for confirmation from the user, as shown in the Image1.3b. Henceforth, new months can be closed if only all the previous months were closed.
1.4 Patient Communications- Shows Sent Items
Sent messages will henceforth be shown on the Patient Communications page of the Patient Inbox. icon next to the date indicates that it was a sent message. See Image 1.4.
1.5 Timecard – Removed check-in prompt
When the Timecard feature is enabled in an account, the system will no longer prompt and force the user to hit the check-in option and will instead non-intrusively record the check-in time.
1.6 Patient Demographics- Displays Units in Patient Ledger
Units are now displayed in the Patient Ledger screen; see Image 1.6.
1.7 Claims
1.7.1 Admission and discharge date fields populated for POS Code 31 (SKILLED NURSING FACILITY)
If the Place of Service(POS) in the claim encounter is 31, admission and discharge dates if reported will now be sent in the electronic claim file. Previously, this info was being sent only for Inpatient place of services.
1.7.2 Rejection Reason codes to be shown in Clearinghouse and Payer Rejection buckets
For claims rejected by either the clearinghouse or payer, the rejection code is now displayed in the rejection buckets and on the Claims History tab. Image 1.7.2 shows a part of the Claims History tab. The highlighted fields in the image are the clearinghouse rejection code and the payer rejection code.
1.7.3 Claims Workbench-Filter option added in claims listing.
The option provides flexibility to filter claims by – payer, clearinghouse, patient, claims status code, and others. All the fields are available for filtering except for date fields, amounts and number fields. Filter applied for status code with value ‘a1’ is illustrated in Image 1.7.3
1.8 Payments-Standardized the Denial Codes in Manual Posting and ERA screens.
Denial codes are now standardized, and custom denial code entry is not permitted from ERA and manual posting screens. The denial codes drop-down shows the standard list from a centralized repository (please refer Image 1.8a).
If a user still needs to add a custom denial code to the list, they can add it from All Lookups screen under Advanced Setup. Here, in Billing Lookups tab, select DENIAL CODE under Claim Lookup Types, and click on New Lookup option and enter the new denial code value in all the lookup fields – Provide Code, Value, and Description and hit Update.
Image 1.8b illustrates custom denial code entry from the All Lookups page.
1.9 KPI Dashboard
Export to Excel option added for the item named – ‘Patients with Balances and No Statements Sent Over 60 Days’ in the dashboard KPI.
1.10 Charges- Option to open Payer Remark and Line Activity as a popup window.
A new option is provided in Charge Master to open Payer Remark and Line Activity as a full-screen pop-up window for better visibility. The page can be opened by clicking the icon highlighted in Image 1.10.
Part – 2 Reports
2.1 I6. Posting Detail Report
2.1.1 Last Claim Date added to I6 Posting Detail Report (refer Image 2.1).
2.1.2 Added “Allowed Amount (Fee Schedule)” in the detailed excel format. This is the allowed amount specified in the fee schedule. In the report data, this field is next to the “Allowed Amt” which shows the actual allowed amt in the remit. Also, relabeled the current “Allowed Amt.” to “Allowed Amount (EOB)” (refer Image 2.1).
2.1.3 Any subsequent payment activities on payments from closed months will report the activity in the current month and not in the closed month. Previously, such activities may have been reported in the closed month and changed the closed month’s payment numbers. This logic has been updated for the Posting Details Report and the new report tab in Payment Deposit Report. Please note this is an addendum to the release note item # 2.2 from version 19.0.0.
2.2 I8. Summary Encounter Line Activities Report
2.2.1 Billed Date field added in the report (refer Image 2.2).
2.2.2 Accounting Date added in the reports page and detailed excel format (see Image 2.2).
2.3 G1 Claims Detail Report
Option to export the report data to CSV added to G1. Claims Detail Report.
Part – 3 Bugs
3.1 Charges- Source of Collection Manager activity displayed as Charge Master.
Previously, activities from Collection Manager were shown in Line Activity of Charge Master as a Charge Master activity. This error has been resolved, and now the source of activity will show as Collection Manager if the activity was from Collection Manager. See Image 3.1
3.2 Reports-Procedure count not matching between I12 and J18 Reports
The mismatch in procedure count has been resolved. The procedure count in both reports – I12. Procedure Count By Insurance Report and J18. Top Procedures/Diagnoses Count By Provider By POS report will match each other.
3.3 Patient Demographics-Financial Summary not displaying data.
In certain scenarios, the Financial Summary section was not populating any information. This issue is now resolved.