PracticeSuite Release Note

Product Release Version: 20.0.0
EHR Version: EHR-18.0.0

        Product Release Date: Dec 2021

© 2021 PracticeSuite

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Printed Dec 2021 at PracticeSuite, Inc.3206 Cove Bend Dr Suite A Tampa FL 33613

Part – 1 Enhancements

1.1 Two-Factor Authentication for Users

Practice administrators can now enroll for 2-factor authentication from the user setup screen. A new checkbox – “Enable Two-factor authentication” is made available in the user setup under Security to enable this feature for the required users. Here are the steps to enable 2FA in the system.

A. Admins will need to check the box “Enable Two-factor authentication” as in Image 1.1a. 

Image 1.1a

B. Users that have the 2FA enabled and on successful login will be prompted to set a 2FA key by clicking on the Enroll option in the 2FA pop-up window; refer to Image 1.1b

Image 1.1b

C. On clicking Enroll, the user is redirected to the 2FA setup screen to complete the setup (Image 1.1c).

Image 1.1c

D. Follow the instructions and click on Assign MFA to set the key for the user.

E. Thereafter, the user is prompted to complete the secondary verification to log in to the system.

F. Users can change the 2FA key anytime by repeating the same setup process.

1.2 RCM WorkQueue

1.2.1 Rank Based Prioritization of Insurance A/R

A new rank-based prioritization and queuing of open insurance claims have been rolled out in the Workqueue screen. Like Collection Manager, claims get pushed to the queue and are assigned to the user’s worklist for follow-up and action. Additionally, the claims are ranked based on priority determined by predefined payer thresholds and the “Time Left” parameter using either the remit date or date of service.

1. The formula for calculating “Time Left” is given below:

a) Time Left= DOS Time Limit – (Today’s Date – Date of Service)

b) Time Left= Remit Time Limit – (Today’s Date – Payment Date).

2.  Rank is determined by the “Time Left” and the following defines the ranking order:

Rank Criteria
5 Less than 0 days left
4 Less than 15 days left
3 Received payment / claim back > 50 days ago from today
2 Received payment / claim back between 40-50 days from today
1 Received payment / claim back between < 40 days ago from today

1.2.2 Provision to Assign Workqueue Category (Worklists) to a User

Users can now be given ownership of specific work queue categories and this allocation can be done from H2 Operational Dashboard (Drill-down). The “Assigned To” field in the drill-down report can be used for the user-category mapping; see the highlighted in Image 1.2.2. If a category is assigned to a user, all claims/items for that category will automatically fall into the user’s worklist/ownership.

Image 1.2.2

1.2.3 Patient Collections WorkQueue

This new workqueue can be used by Practices to work and follow-up on their patient a/r. All patient balances and collection lines are pulled into this worklist. Users can view detailed charge and payment activities and add notes when working the a/r. 

1.2.4 Tasks in the Workqueue Screen Will default to the User Logged In

Users accessing the Workqueue screen will see all tasks assigned to them in the automatic view.

1.3 E-Fax Feature Extended to Claims Workbench and Collections Manager

E-Fax: E-Fax has a major upgrade in the current release. E-fax has now been extended to both Claims Workbench and Collection Manager screens enabling users to transmit faxes from either screen. Additionally, the maximum number of files that can be sent in one transmission has been increased and more file types are now permitted in the fax message. The main E-fax window is as shown in Image 1.3a.

Image 1.3a

Table 1.3 describes each field on the e-fax screen.

Field Description
To Enter the fax number/referring provider name.  If the selected ref provider has a fax number associated, the number will be populated into this field.
Name Once the user selects a ref provider, the corresponding provider name will appear in the Name field. Users can also type a name into the field.
Covering Letter Covering letters (template) can be added from Letter Master screen and selected from the drop-down. 
Related To Patient Associate to a patient by searching with Name or MR#.
Subject The subject of the fax message is entered here.
Document Grayed-out by default, however, this becomes editable on selecting a patient in ‘Related to Patient’ field. This option allows the users to select the patient’s documents uploaded in Document Manager. Only one document can be attached for a message.
Visit Hx Grayed-out by default, however, this field becomes editable on selecting a patient in ‘Related to Patient’ field. This option allows the users to select a visit note from EHR. The maximum number of visits that can be selected is three.
Browse This PC Used to browse and select files in the user’s computer.  Max of three additional files can be selected.

Table 1.3

Supported File Types: IMAGE/JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF, HTML, TXT, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, PDF (DOC/DOCX types are currently not supported).

Sending Fax from Claims Workbench: Open Print/Rebill screen in the Claims Workbench. Search a claim and then click on the ellipsis (3 dots) at the far right of the listing page. In the pop-up menu, click “eFax Claim/EOB” to open the e-fax screen (highlighted in Image 1.3b).

Image 1.3b

Sending Fax from Collections Manager: Open the claim in the Denial Workshop screen and look for the “eFax” option on the left-hand side of the screen (see Image 1.3c). Click on this option to open the fax screen for transmitting the fax message.

Image 1.3c

New Fax Attachment Types in Claims Workbench & Collections Manager

In addition to using files/documents as fax attachments, the Collection Manager and Claims Workbench can also send claim forms and remits/EOBs (see Image 1.3d):

Claim Form: Users can browse and select a claim by clicking on the View button. This step uploads the claim form to the fax message. The claim# and date of service of the selected claim are displayed in the field.

EOB: If there is an ERA/EoB posted for the date of service in the system, users can browse and select the remit by checking the option “Attach EoB”. Clicking on the “View EOB” will open the attached EoB.  Please note that the “Attach EoB” option will be grayed out if there are no ERAs or EoBs available in the system for the date of service.

Related to Patient – Once the remit is selected, this field will automatically populate the patient’s info in the field. This is a non-editable field.

Subject – The subject field is auto-populated with the claim # and this is an editable field. Users can modify the subject as needed.

Image 1.3d

1.4 EHR

1.4.1 Add Fax Cover Letter in EHR

To fax visit notes and lab orders in EHR, practices can have a cover letter attached to the outbound fax and the template is added in Letter Master. Multiple cover letter templates can be added, and users can select the template to use for the message when sending the fax (see Image 1.4.1).

Image 1.4.1

1.4.2 Add Procedure Code to Level-2 from Repository

Users can now easily add procedure codes from the repository to Level-2 by clicking on the ellipsis at the top right-hand side corner of the screen and by typing the first few characters of the code in the search field and by selecting from the result (see Image 1.4.2).

Image 1.4.2

1.5 XSuperbill

1.5.1 Inline Edits for BILL_TO_PR and REBILL_TO_PR Lines

Inline edit feature is extended for lines that are in BILL_TO_PR and REBILL_TO_PR status in the XSuperbill screen. Lines in the above statuses can be edited from XSuperbill just as it could be previously modified for lines in NEW, HOLD, and BILL_TO_PT.

1.5.2 Legal Entity Filter Made Multi-Select

Legal Entity filter in XSuperbill has been made a multi-selection field; refer to Image 1.5.2.

Image 1.5.2

1.6 Switch Cases of Paid Encounters

Users are now able to switch cases of a paid encounter even if the target case has a different primary insurance than that present in the original case. For this type of switch, the Case Switch screen has a new checkbox “Include Other Insurance Cases” (see Image 1.6), and this option can be made use of to list cases in the Switch To (Case #) that have a different primary insurance. However, please note that if the secondary payment is posted for the encounter, the system will not permit switching the case.

Image 1.6  

1.7 ERA

1.7.1 Posting ERA in Parts

Users can now conveniently post large ERAs in parts using the new “Save and Continue” option added to the ERA Posting screen. Users can click on this option to leave the ERA partially posted and return later to complete the posting from where they left off; see Image 1.7.1. Previously, a partial save using the checkbox next to the claim was available, however, users had to exit and reopen the ERA to continue posting. With the current update, users can continue posting the remaining payments without having to exit the ERA posting screen.

Image 1.7.1

1.7.2 Remark Codes Shown in the ERA Print 

Remark codes will be shown in the ERA print if printed from the ERA listing page.

1.7.3 Denial Codes-CO-109, CO-B9, and PI 204

If these denial codes are present in an ERA, the system will treat these codes as regular denials and not set them for auto-adjustment of the line balance. The detailed descriptions of the codes are given below.

CO-109: Claim not covered by this payer/contractor. You must send the claim to the correct payer/contractor.

CO-B9: Patient is enrolled in a hospice program.

PI-204: This service/equipment/drug is not covered under the patient’s current benefit plan.

1.8 MIPS Dashboard

1.8.1 MIPS 2021 Updates

Weightage for Quality and Cost parameters are updated in the MIPS reporting dashboard. The weightage for the other categories remains unchanged.

Performance Category Performance Year 2021 Weight

40% (from 45%)


20% (from 15%)

Promoting interoperability

25% (no change)

Improvement Activities

15% (no change)

1.8.2 Two New Clinical Quality Measures Added

Two new quality measures were added related to Diabetic retinopathy (Quality ID #19) and Diabetics Eye Exam (Quality ID #117).

Quality ID Measure # NQF ID Description
19 142 0089 Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy who had a dilated macular or fundus exam performed with documented communication to the physician who manages the ongoing care of the patient with diabetes mellitus regarding the findings of the macular or fundus exam at least once within 12 months
117 131 0055 Percentage of patients 18-75 years of age with diabetes and an active diagnosis of retinopathy overlapping the
measurement period who had a retinal or dilated eye exam by an eye care professional during the measurement period
or diabetics with no diagnosis of retinopathy overlapping the measurement period who had a retinal or dilated eye exam
by an eye care professional during the measurement period or in the 12 months prior to the measurement period

1.9 Mass Write-Off- Partial Write-Offs

Users can now do a partial write-off from the Mass Write-Off screen.  In the “Adj Amt” field enter the amount to adjust and select the claims to have the amount adjusted. If no amount is entered in the field, it works as usual where the entire balance for the selected claims is written off (Image 1.9).

Image 1.9

1.10 New Place of Service (POS) 

Place of Service “10” (“TELEHEALTH PROVIDED OTHER THAN IN PATIENTS HOME”) is added to the PoS list.

1.11 UB04 Charge Entry- Default the UoM for Rev. Codes

The default unit of measurement (UoM) for a Revenue Code can now be saved in the Rev. Code lookup (see Image 1.11). If both Rev. Code and HCPCS have default UoMs saved in their corresponding setup, the Revenue Code setup will always take precedence over the HCPCS/procedure code setup.

Image 1.11

1.12 Patient Portal- Same Day Appointment Booking

Patients can now book same-day appointments online from Patient Portal. To allow same-day booking, Practice admins can go to the Portal Options page and select “0” in the “Allow Online Bookings Only” drop-down, see Image 1.12.

Image 1.12

1.13 Consent Forms 

A green tick will appear next to any consent forms that were filled and submitted online; refer to Image 1.13.


Image 1.13

1.14 Patient Statements- Account Type Filter in Statement Gen. Screen

The patient Account Type filter is added on the statement generation screen. This filter can be used to create statements for specific account types (highlighted in Image 1.14).

Image 1.14

1.15 Special Rule to Populate Line Level REF IDs in Electronic Claims

If line-level REF ID needs to be populated in electronic claims, users can enter the ID # and qualifier in the Line Notes screen in Charge Master. The format to use and the permitted qualifiers are given below.

Format to use: REF:<Qualifier>:<ID> 

Allowed Qualifiers are: ‘9B’,’9D’,’G1′,’2U’,’6R’,’EW’,’X4′,’F4′,’BT’.

For example, if there is a need to populate Referring facility’s CLIA# in the electronic claim, the info to be entered in the Line Notes screen is- REF:F4:1234567890 (where “1234567890” is the referring facility’s CLIA #). Table 1.15 has the list of qualifiers and their description.

Qualifier Description

Table 1.15

1.16 Charge Entry Screen- ‘Narration’ Relabeled as ‘Clinical Notes’

“Narration” link on the Charge Entry screen has been renamed to “Clinical Notes”; refer to Image 1.16.

Image 1.16

1.17 Patient Demographics- Guarantor Phone Number

If the patient is also the guarantor (self), the guarantor’s phone number is no longer mandatory.

1.18 Payments- Payment Receipts Email

Payment Receipt emails will now include a link to view/download the receipt instead of the pdf attachment (see highlighted portion in Image 1.18).

Image 1.18

1.19 EDI

 New frontend rules have been added to the EDI rules vocabulary.

1.19.1 Eligibility Checks- Solo and Group Provider


 This rule if entered will force the eligibility request for a payer to be submitted using the individual Provider’s name and NPI overriding the selection in the Eligibility setup screen.


This rule will submit the eligibility requests for the payer using the group’s name and NPI overriding the selection in the Eligibility setup screen.

1.19.2 Annual Wellness Info through Ability CH

For clients that are on Ability clearinghouse, the system can return the annual wellness visit info in the eligibility response. The payer and the procedure codes that the AWV should be returned must be indicated in the rule.

EA:<Payer ID>:CPT:<if multiple procedure codes must be added, separate them with a comma>


Part – 2 Reports

2.1 New Report – Charge Productivity Report

“I26. Charge Productivity Report” can be used for tracking the productivity of billing users and this is captured in the report for the line(s)/encounter(s) that are modified by the users, refer to Image 2.1.

Image 2.1

2.2 Renamed K1 Report

K1 report is renamed to “EHR Visits- Superbill Reconciliation Report”. Previously, the report was named “Uncharted Visits by Provider Report”.

2.3 ‘C6. Patient Details Report’- Patients with Saved Credit Card

A new excel output is added to the C6 report to export the patients who have credit card in their account (see Image 2.3). The report will include the patient info and card details (masked).

Image 2.3

2.4 ‘I20. Payments By Month By Provider Detailed Report’ 

A new excel output is added to the report that shows month-wise the sum of receipts and on-account.

2.5 ‘Payment Method’ Filter in ‘I4 and I6 Reports

Both “I4. Payment Deposit Report” and “I6. Posting Detail Report” has a new Pay Method filter in the search parameters.

2.6 A7. Appointment-End of Day Reconciliation Report- ‘Appointment Type’ Filter

“Appointment Type” filter is added to A7 report; see Image 2.6.

Image 2.6

2.7 ‘K3. Patient Clinical Analysis Report’ -Added Column for PC Ref#

PC Ref# field added in the excel output of K3 report. 

2.8 ‘J9. Daily/Month End Close Report’ 

The charge amount and encounter totals in the J9 report going forward will include the charges on hold numbers.

2.9 Payment Screen Changed to New UI in ‘I18. Credit Card Transaction Report’ 

The payment screen will open in the new UI when clicking on the payment # hyperlink in the I18 report.


Part – 3 Bug Fixes

3.1 E-statement Email/SMS Failures

For the failed e-statement emails or text messages, the failure messages will be displayed in the C3. Patient Statement Summary Report, see Image 3.1. In the past, this was not being reported accurately and has now been resolved.

                                                                                              Image 3.1

3.2 TeleMed App – Compatibility Issue

Telemed app compatibility issues for Mac and iPad systems have been resolved.

3.3 C-CDA output File of K3 Report Now Generates Data Appropriately

The issue with data not populating to the C-CDA output file in the K3 report has been addressed.

3.4 Date Picker Issue in EMR

The issue with the date picker not showing the month or year in certain screens in EMR has been resolved.

3.5 Issue with Hold Sub Status Lines in XSB and Claims Workbench

Lines that are placed in the custom “Hold_” sub statuses were not being listed under the respective category in the Claims Workbench and XSuperbill screens. This has been corrected.

3.6 XSuperbill – Radio Button Issue

When listing the Charge Master bills in the XSuperbill screen, the radio flipped automatically to Charge Entry after the results were displayed. This has been resolved.

3.7 I4. Payment Deposit Report – Date Issue

When running the I4 report with the payment date filter, the report incorrectly used the payment entry dates to fetch the results. This issue has been corrected.

3.8 Some Procedure Codes Fail to Crossover to Billing

A few procedure codes

were not crossing over to billing from the EHR system due to duplicate entries. This is now corrected.

3.9 Copay Auto-Posting in Charge Entry Screen

The issue with the copay auto-posting feature in the Charge Entry screen has been resolved.

3.10 Missing ICD Codes in Fax Documents

In the fax documents for Lab and Radiology orders, the ICD codes were not showing up in the documents though they were present in the system. This has been addressed.

3.11 Inconsistent Data For Patients having Multiple Appointments Corrected

When a patient had several appointments on the same day for different providers, B6 Appointments -Charges Reconciliation Report report displayed Billed and Charge Created Status as YES for all those appointments despite billing only one of them. This is now corrected. B6 report now shows the BILLED and Charge Creation Status of all appointments accurately.