Product Release Version: 20.3.0
EHR Version: EHR-18.0.0
Product Release Date: June 2022
© 2022 PracticeSuite
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Printed June 2022 at PracticeSuite, Inc.3206 Cove Bend Dr. Suite A Tampa FL 33613
Part – 1 Enhancements
1.1 Patient Demographics
1.1.1 Warning for Inactive Insurance Plans
A warning is displayed beside the insurance listing section in the patient demographics screen if the plan is no longer active in the insurance master setup. Please see the highlighted portion in Image 1.1.1. On mouseover, a tooltip with the message ‘Insurance plan is Inactive in Insurance Master’ is displayed.
1.1.2 Guarantor Change in Case Activity
Guarantor changes made in the Case will now be logged in the Case activity. Please see Image 1.1.2.
1.2 ERA Recoupments- PLB Matching Section
1.2.1 Provider Adjustment Codes in ERA
When printing the ERA (EoB format) from the ERA listing page, all the provider adjustment codes and amounts for each adj. code will be displayed at the bottom of the remit (below the legend area). Image 1.2.1 shows the last page of a sample ERA.
1.2.2 UB04 Charge Entry: ICN# in ERA Saves to Document Control Number
For the institutional claims, when an ERA is posted, the ICN# of the claim will automatically save to the Document Control# (Box 64a) in UB04 Charge Entry.
1.2.3 Negative Amount Posting for Adj. Code OA-94
Normally when posting an ERA, the negative adjustments are excluded from the postings, however, an exception is made for the “OA-94” adjustments and users can post this as a negative adjustment. This is in addition to the previously permitted CO-144 adjustments.
1.3 Installment Plan- Credit Cards Due to Expire
Credit cards that have an expiry date within the installment period can be hereafter added to the installment plan. Previously, cards that had an expiration date within the installment period were rejected. Please refer to Image 1.3.
1.4 Credit Card Refunds
In 1 & 2 scenarios outlined below, USIO (credit card payment gateway) even if a successful transaction response is received from the gateway, the refund entry will not be posted in the system.
1. For partial refunds before the settlement is processed to the client’s account.
2. Refunds made 6 months from the date of the parent payment.
1.5 eFax
1.5.1 eFax Inbox has a New ‘Comments’ Field
eFax inbox has a new field to display the comments. This field is added to all the eFax message screens – Inbox, Sent Items, and Archives. Any text added in the comments field in the e-fax message will be visible on the field. Image 1.5.1 highlights the newly added column in the eFax Inbox.
1.5.2 Sent Items Shows Receiver Name and Number
The eFax Sent screen will hereafter display the receiver’s name and fax number. See highlighted areas in Image 1.5.2.
1.6 Claims- Posting Patient Payments Prior to Claim Generation
A feature that is made available and is useful for out-of-network billing when the patient payment amount has to be received by the payer and included in the claim. The applied patient payments can be made to populate the electronic claim even if the full balance on the line is in a closed status. After the patient payment is applied, if the line has no balance left, the system will still permit to keep the line status in the open Bill_to_PR status for generating the electronic claim.
The following changes have been made to the system for the payment info to be included in the claim:
*The below rule (with the flag as “TRUE”) has to be added in the electronic rules section in the Billing Options for populating the payment amount in the electronic file:
*When enabled the payment info is populated in Loop 2300 with qualifier F5.
1.7 ERA Link Added in UB04 Charge Entry
When a payment is applied to a line from an ERA, the link to access the ERA is made available in the line activity of the UB04 Charge Entry screen. Clicking on the payment # opens the ERA in a pop-up. Please refer to Image 1.7.
1.8 Payment Screen- Scrollbar in Refunds Pop-up
A scrollbar will appear in the refund/transfer activities if there are multiple refund/transfer lines. Users can now view all the lines by using the scroll in the pop-up window. See Image 1.8.
1.9 Automation of SFTP Password Reset for Trizetto
The system will begin to warn users of password expiration 20 days prior to the expiration date. The warning pop-up will appear on the Claims Workbench screen and there will also be a link in the pop-up to reset their user password (see Image 1.9).
1.10 Mass Write-Off- Filter HOLD Lines
Users can filter HOLD lines in the Mass Write-Off screen as the HOLD status has been included in the Line Status list. Please refer Image 1.10.
1.11 ICD10 Updates 2022
The following ICD codes effective from April 2022 are updated in the ICD-10 repository.
ICD Code | Description |
Z28.3 | Underimmunization status |
Z28.31 | Underimmunization for COVID-19 status |
Z28.310 | Unvaccinated for COVID-19 |
Z28.311 | Partially vaccinated for COVID-19 |
Z28.39 | Other underimmunization status |
1.12 Added Six New Clinical Quality Measures
Quality ID | Description | Measure# | NQF ID |
107 | All patient visits during which a new diagnosis of MDD or a new diagnosis of recurrent MDD was identified for patients aged 18 years and older with a suicide risk assessment completed during the visit | 161 | 0104 |
268 | Percentage of all patients of childbearing potential (12 years and older) diagnosed with epilepsy who were counseled at least once a year about how epilepsy and its treatment may affect contraception and pregnancy. | None | 1814 |
338 | The percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a diagnosis of HIV with a HIV viral load less than 200 copies/mL at last HIV viral load test during the measurement year. | None | 2082 |
377 | Percentage of patients 18 years of age and older with congestive heart failure who completed initial and follow-up patient-reported functional status assessments. | 90 | None |
419 | Percentage of patients for whom imaging of the head (CT or MRI) is obtained for the evaluation of primary headache when clinical indications are not present. | None | None |
309 |
Percentage of women 21-64 years of age who were screened for cervical cancer using either of the following criteria:* Women age 21-64 who had cervical cytology performed within the last 3 years* Women age 30-64 who had cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) testing performed within the last 5 years |
124 | 0032 |
1.13 Eligibility Rule for Sending PIN
A new eligibility rule is made available to include the PIN (Prior Identifier Number) when sending eligibility requests. The rule can be added from the EDI rules set up screen under Billing Options.
E.g., EA:<PAYERID>:REFID:Q4:1234
Accepted Qualifiers: 0B,1C,1D,IJ,4A,CT,EL,EO,HPI,JD,N5,N7,Q4,SY,TJ
1.14 New EDI Rules
1.14.1 Place of Service: A new EDI claim rule is made available and can be enabled for stopping the place of service (PoS) code(s) from populating in the electronic claim for the payer ids added in the rule. The format for the rule is given below:
1.14.2 RP Taxonomy Code: Another EDI claim rule that is made available with the release is for stopping the rendering provider’s taxonomy code (24J or 2310B>PRV segment) from populating in the claim for specific payers that are added in the rule.
Part – 2 Reports
2.1 ‘C2. Generate Patient Statement(s)’ Filters
Two new filters ‘Include All Outstanding Patient Balance‘ and Statement Filter are added to the C2 report; see Image 2.1.
‘Include All Outstanding Patient Balance’ Filter: This filter will include all patient responsible lines with balances disregarding all the other chosen filters.
‘Statement Filter’: Users can use this filter to include or exclude patients who are eligible for eStatements.
The options that are available in the filter are – ALL (no exclusion); Eligible for eStatements and Not eligible for eStatements. will be unavailable if “Not eligible for eStatement” filter is chosen for the statement generation.
2.2 ‘C3. Patient Statement Summary Report’
Patient MR# in the C3 report is now a clickable link and opens the patient’s demographics page as a pop-up. Please see Image 2.2.
2.3 G5. Collector Worklist Report – Added Provider Taxonomy Code
The rendering provider’s Taxonomy code is added to the excel output of G5 report; please refer to Image 2.3.
2.4 I8. Summary Encounter Line Activities Report
2.4.1 Two new dropdown filters are added to the I8 report for filtering the reports by ‘Account Type’ and ‘Supervising Provider‘. See Image 2.4.
2.4.2 Line Status filter has VOID status added to the drop-down.
2.4.3 Detailed CSV report will include Adjustment Reason and Attending Physician (Box #76 of UB04 claims) name. Attending Physician is also added in the offline report version of the I8 report.
2.5 ‘I6. Posting Detail Report’ Changes
2.5.1 ‘Payer Type’ column has been added to the report output. The column name ‘Type’ is renamed to ‘Payment Type’; please refer to Image 2.5.
2.5.2 Attending Physician (Box #76 of UB04 claims) is added to the detailed excel and CSV outputs.
2.5.3 Case Type added to I6 report output.
2.6 ‘C6. Patient Details Report’ Changes
2.6.1 Patient Merge History in C6 Report
C6 report now has a new CSV output ‘Merge Detail CSV‘ and contains details on the merged patient accounts. Users can retrieve the merge details by entering the from and to dates as shown in Image 2.6a.
Fields Present in the Merge Detail CSV file
MR#, PCREF#, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, DOB, Gender, Creation Date, Created By, MR# of Patient Merged From, PCREF# of Patient Merged From, Last Name of Patient Merged From, First Name of Patient Merged From, Middle Name of Patient Merged From, DOB of Patient Merged From, Gender of Patient Merged From, Creation Date of Patient Merged From, Created By of Patient Merged From, Merged By, Merged Date.
2.6.2 Patients Exempt Filter in C6 Report
The patient exempt checkbox is replaced with a dropdown that provides users the ability to filter the report separately for regular statements and e-statements or to list patients that have both types of exemptions added in their account. The new filter is named ‘Patient Statement Exemptions‘ (highlighted in Image 2.6b) and has three available options in the dropdown – “All Exemptions”, “Statement”, and “E-Statement”.
Additionally, a new column named – ‘Do Not Send E-Statement’ is added to the report output and shows all patients that have the e-statement exemption added. Please refer Image 2.6c.
2.6.3 Added a Provider filter dropdown to C6 report. Also, PC Ref# search field is now a multi-input field (use comma (“,”) to enter multiple PC Ref numbers); see Image 2.6d.
2.6.4. Legal Entity is added to the report output; refer to Image 2.6d.
2.7 ICN # Search for J25. ERA Detail Report
J25 report has ICN# search option added as a report filter. See Image 2.7.
2.8 D13. Service Location Wise A/R Aging Report
D13 report will hereafter display the AR% for each aging bucket. Additionally, a new column named Sub Total% (highlighted in Image 2.8) is added to the report and displays the A/R percentage for each of the service locations.
2.9 G1 and G2 Reports
G1. Claims Detail Report and G2. Denial Report both the reports have two new fields added to the excel output and the new fields are service location and encounter level rendering provider. Image 2.9 shows a part of the excel output of G1 report.
2.10 New Search Filters in ‘C1. New Recall Report’
The following search filters are added to C1 report; refer to Image 2.10
Search Parameter | Type of field |
Patient Name | Smart Search field (name/MR# search) |
Patient Date of Birth | Date field (date range) |
Alert/Recall Creation Date | Date field (date range) |
Include VOID | Checkbox |
Include Completed | Checkbox |
Part – 3 Bug Fixes
3.1 I8 Offline Report- Overpayments Filter
In the I8 offline report, the “Show Over payments Only” filter was non-functional and displayed all payments even when the report was run with the overpayments option selected. This is now resolved.
3.2 XSuperbill – Ledger Load Issue
The patient ledger when accessed from the XSuperbill was slow to load. This slow loading issue has been addressed.
3.3 LE Header in Patient Statement History
Patient statement history always showed the primary Legal Entity header on the statement regardless of the LE in the statements. This has been corrected and the statement history now shows the specific LE for which they were generated.
3.4 EHR- Future DOS Error and Superbill Issue
Charts that had a future date of service added to them errored and failed to save. Additionally, if the case was closed, the superbill failed to cross over to billing. Both these issues have been resolved.
3.5 WorkQueue – Issue Related to UB04 Claims Corrected
For institutional claims, clicking on the DOS link previously opened up the Charge Master screen instead of the UB04. This has been addressed.
3.6 Charge Entry- Rendering Provider Dropdown
If the rendering provider field was left empty on the Charge Entry screen when saving a new charge, a validation error was flagged on the screen. However, even after the Provider is selected on the field, it continued to display the validation error. This is now resolved.
3.7 Home Page (Dashboard) – Favorite KPIs Count
Rejections count in the Favorite KPI widget of the home screen displayed incorrect numbers. This has been corrected and now matches with the rejection counts in Claims Workbench.
3.8 B5. Authorization Tracking Report – Detailed Excel
The issue with the alignment of headers and values in B5 report has been addressed.
3.9 Payment Merge Issue When Merging Patients
When merging patients, the payments in the secondary patient account (losing account) failed to merge to the primary patient account (winning account). This is now resolved.
3.10 UB04 From Claims Workbench
For institutional claims, clicking on the date of service in the Ready-To-Submit screen of the Claims Workbench, did not open the claim in UB04 screen, instead, it popped open the UB04 screen with the patient, however, the user still needed to click on the DOS to view the claim information. This has been corrected with this release and clicking on the DOS in Claims Workbench will open the claim on the UB04 screen without any additional clicks.
Additionally, an erroneous validation message (if run claims validation was enabled) popped up about the service location and presented the CM option to view the charge details and which opened up the Charge Master instead of the UB04 screen. This also has been resolved.
3.11 EHR- Social History of Patients In CCDA
If added to the chart, social history info was not being presented in the CCDA files. This is now resolved with the release.
3.12 Column Alignment in D15 Offline Report
The headers and columns were not properly aligned in the offline version of the D15 offline report. This is now corrected.