Product Release Version: 21.1.0
EHR Version: EHR-18.0.0
Product Release Date: May 2023
© 2023 PracticeSuite
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Printed May 2023 at PracticeSuite, Inc.3206 Cove Bend Dr. Suite A Tampa FL 33613
Part – 1 Product Enhancements
1.1 Payment Master- Statement Autopost Facility
When adding patient payments, users can choose the statement numbers within the entry screen to have the payment amount automatically applied to the date(s) of services that are present on the selected statements.
For this feature, a new field named Statement# has been added to the payment screen and this is a multi-select drop-down field (Image 1.1). Clicking on this field will show all the unapplied statement numbers for the selected patient. Users can add/remove statements to the list based on the payment status (see Table 2). The ‘Save and Apply’ action will auto-post the payment to the DOS on the selected statements.
Patient Payment Status | Add Statement | Remove Statements |
Fully Applied | No | No |
Partially Applied | Yes | No |
New | Yes | Yes |
Table 2
The system will prompt for confirmation before proceeding.
1.2 eFax -Newly Added Features
A. For better delivery tracking of efaxes, new statuses have been made available on the efax screen. An efax can have any one of the statuses as explained in Table 1. These defined statuses will also reflect in the E11. Fax Transaction Report.
eFax Status | Description |
Initiated | This is the initial status of a message |
Queued | This is an interim status when the user clicks Send and the message is waiting to be sent. |
Failed | This status appears when the message fails to get sent. |
Requeued | If the user clicks on Resend, the message shows up with a requeued status. |
Delivered | This status shows up when the message gets successfully delivered. |
Table 1
B. Failed messages can always be resent by clicking on the option (refer to Image 1.2).
1.3 EHR
1.3.1 CCDA To Show All Types of Lab Results
All lab results now get pulled into CCDA regardless of whether the result data contains numeric or alphanumeric entries.
1.3.2 Changes in Immunization Screen
The layout of the immunization screen has been changed to improve usability and efficiency. Several fields have been repositioned for quicker access. Following are the changes on the screen :
Moved Administrative Notes to current Entered Date position.
Moved Entered Date to current Publicity Code position
Moved Publicity Code to current Administrative Note position
1.4 Audit Trail for Scheduler
An audit trail for the scheduling activities has been made available on the system’s front end. The audit log can be accessed from the Schedule History tab on the patient demographics page or from the Scheduler. Image 1.4a and Image 1.4b displays the screens in the system from where the users can access the activity log.
1.5 Eligibility Check for Claims
Regardless of the clearinghouse, claims will get placed on HOLD if the eligibility check fails or returns an error.
1.6 Collection Manager- Follow-up Note Made Mandatory
In the Collections Manager, users will need to enter a follow-up note to complete an action on the screen.
1.7 ERA- Claims without Procedure Codes
For ERAs where there is a mix of claims with and without procedure codes/encounter lines, the system will still bring up the open lines for posting.
1.8 Patient Statement- Undelivered e-Statements
If an eStatement generated from PracticeSuite is not delivered to the patient’s email or SMS, the system will automatically void the statement.
1.9 Four New CQMs Added
Quality ID | Description |
145 | Final reports for procedures using fluoroscopy that document radiation exposure indices, or exposure time and number of fluorographic images (if radiation exposure indices are not available) |
405 |
Percentage of final reports for abdominal imaging studies for asymptomatic patients aged 18 years and older with one or more of the following noted incidentally with follow-up imaging recommended:
406 | Percentage of final reports for computed tomography (CT), CT angiography (CTA) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA) studies of the chest or neck or ultrasound of the neck for patients aged 18 years and older with no known thyroid disease with a thyroid nodule < 1.0 cm noted incidentally with follow-up imaging recommended |
436 |
Percentage of final reports for patients aged 18 years and older undergoing CT with documentation that one or more of the following dose reduction techniques were used:
1.10 XSuperbill- Account Type Filter
In the X-Sb screen, a new filter is added to filter patients by their account type. Please see Image 1.10.
1.11 Provider Master- Provider Name Field Size
The max length for the provider’s Last name, First name, and Middle name in the Provider Master have been increased to 60, 35, and 30 characters respectively.
1.12 Patient KIOSK- Renamed the ‘Save’ Option
The “Save” option in the patient forms screen has been renamed to “Submit” (refer to Image 1.12).
1.13 Claims Workbench- Info Option
A new info icon is added next to the dashboard menu (please see Image 1.13a). Clicking on it displays important messages regarding claims batching or submission.
Part – 2 Reports
2.1 J30. Key Financial Summary Metrics
Reworked the a/r calculation for 60 and 90 days in the J30 report. The aging 60 and 90 days aging buckets now match with the D15 report.
2.2 A9. Appointment Reminder Report
A new filter Legal Entity filter is added to the A9 report.
2.3 E9. Interface Log Report- Patient Name for CCDA Inbound
The patient’s name is hereafter displayed on the CCDA inbound transactions in the E9 report.
2.4 I10. Procedure Productivity by Insurance Report
I10 report will include the date of service as a date type parameter.
2.5 D2. Detailed Insurance Aging Report
2.5.1 New Search Filter
Users can now filter the report using the A/R Methods dropdown. The a/r method for each insurance can be preset within the insurance setup screen. The A/R method info will also populate in both the CSV and offline outputs.
2.5.2 New fields added to CSV output
The CSV output of the D2 report now includes additional fields. They are – Charge per unit, Co-Pay, Co-insurance, and Deductible.
2.6 G5 Reports and Collection Manager Output Files- More fields added
The “G5. Collector Worklist Report” and Collections Manager outputs include the following fields – Charge per unit, Co-Pay, Co-insurance, and Deductible. These fields are added to the following outputs: the Excel and CSV outputs of Collection Manager, and the Offline report of G5.
2.7 ‘I11. Adjustment Report’
Added a new column to show the expected amount in the Adjustment Posting Activity Excel output of the I11 report.
2.8 Actual Expected Amount Added to I8 and D2 Report
Actual Expected Amount added to ‘I8. Summary Encounter Line Activities Report’ and ‘D2. Detailed Insurance Aging Report’.
Actual Expected Amt= Actual Paid Amt.(includes Co-pay, Co-ins, Deductible)
Part – 3 Resolved Items
3.1 EHR
3.1.1 Missing Header Issue Resolved
A chart containing CPOE orders when printed from the Visit Hx did not display the headers. This has been resolved.
3.1.2 Unordered Data Issue in Facesheet PDF
The alignment issue in the PDF output of the facesheet has been corrected.
3.2 Unread Message Indicator on Home Screen
The orange-colored unread messages indicator showed up even when there were no unread messages. This issue has been resolved.
3.3 Patient Ledger Screen Resolution
The on-account balance shown at the bottom of the patient’s ledger in the demographics screen used to be out of sight in certain display resolutions. This has been corrected.
3.4 XSuperbill- Data Load on Case Switch
When a case switch is made from the XSuperbill screen, there used to be a delay for the case type and the payer info to load on the new case screen. This issue has been resolved.
3.5 Payer Claim #
If the clearinghouse’s claim # is received after the payer’s claim # likely due to a delay in the clearinghouse sending this info, the payer’s claim # used to get overwritten with the clearinghouse’s claim # on the Charge Master screen- reference # field. Hereafter, the payer’s # will always stick in the field even if it is received before the clearinghouse sends their number.
3.6 Issue in Scheduler Screen Resolved
When using the appointment search option ellipsis , users were unable to save or close the scheduler screen when selecting an appointment from the listing. This is now corrected.