PracticeSuite Release Note
Product Release Version: 22.5.0
EHR Version: EHR-18.0.0
Product Release Date: Oct 2023
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Printed Oct 2023 at PracticeSuite, Inc.3206 Cove Bend Dr. Suite A Tampa FL 33613
Part – 1 Product Enhancements
1.1 Payments- Multiple USIO ID Configuration
Multiple USIO Merchant IDs can now be configured within an account. Facilities that want to keep merchant ids separate by bank account or location to prevent the transactions from getting co-mingled can enable this setup.
On the payment gateway setup screen within the Practice Options, Practices can add multiple USIO merchant id credentials. Please refer to Image 1.1a. Practices will also need to map the Legal Entity (location) and terminal # (if multiple terminals exist) for each merchant id in the setup. Once the setup is completed and when entering the payment info, the user can select the Legal Entity. On selecting the LE on the payment screen, the system uses the merchant id credentials mapped for the Legal Entity for charging the card.
Important Fields for Merchant ID Setup
Field | Description |
Merchant ID | Unique ID for USIO transaction |
Login | Login ID for the payment gateway |
Password | Password for login |
Terminal ID | ID for POS machine |
Legal Entity | LEs assigned to this merchant ID; multi-select drop-down |
Alias | Name provided to the merchant ID for easy identification(Optional) |
Active | Uncheck this in order to deactivate/delete the merchant ID |
Important Info:
A. When using the ‘Save This Card’ feature on the payments screen, the card will be saved under the specific Merchant ID pre-assigned for the LE. This card will be available in the ‘Saved Card’ drop-down only when the patient makes a payment for the same Legal Entity that the card was saved.
B. In the Installment screen, all available Merchant IDs will be available in the drop-down for the user to choose from.
C. The I18 report now has a new filter named Merchant ID. Users can search transactions specific to the ID# using the dropdown. Additionally, a new column has been added to the report to show the Merchant ID used for the transaction and is available for all I18 report outputs.
1.2 Workqueue
1.2.1 RCM Workflow Configuration for Workqueue
Our recently introduced RCM workflow configuration has been extended to the WorkQueue module. Henceforth, all items in the WorkQueue will be available to the logged-in user based on the rules preconfigured on the RCM configuration Screen.
Users can go to Billing options -> Setup RCM Workflow ->Configure to set up the user rules.
1.2.2 Underpayments WorkQueue
A new underpayment worklist has been made available in the work queue to show all paid claims where the amount is less than the fee schedule rate. All closed lines that are underpaid are also included in this worklist.
1.2.3 Collections Manager Activity Tracking From WorkQueue
Users can now view the activities made from the Collection Manager screen within the WorkQueue. All claims that have activities from Collection Manager, will be displayed in the Follow-up History tab. Please see Image 1.2.3.
1.2.4 CSV Output for WorkQueue
WorkQueue now has a csv export option added to export all worklists and their claims. Image 1.2.4 shows the CSV icon in the WorkQueue screen.
Click here to view fields in the WorkQueue CSV.
1.3 Collections Manager
1.3.1 Category Listing for the User
All claims assigned to a user either manually or based on the pre-set rules will be automatically loaded for the user when the Collection Manager is opened, without the user either having to select his username or hitting the Search.
1.3.2 Collection Sub-Status Grouping by Status
Henceforth, collection sub-status and collection statuses can be tied to each other. Selecting a Collection Status in the Collection Manager screen will only show the specific set of sub-statuses pre-set from the Billing Lookups.
To link collection status with sub status, go to Advanced setup-> All Lookups->Billing Lookups. Select the collection sub status on the left pane. For each sub-status, choose one or more collection statuses from the newly added Collection Status multi-select combo (see Image 1.3.2).
1.3.3 Tracking Work Queue Activities from Collections Manager
Similar to the Collection Manager activities being displayed in the WorkQueue tab as explained in 1.2.3, the claim activities from the WorkQueue are also displayed in the Collection Manager. The activities can be seen in the tab named Action Hx.
1.4 EHR
1.4.1 Lab Trending Graph
Aimed at improving laboratory data comprehension, graphical displays of chronological, numerically-reported, laboratory test results of patients have been made available in the EHR (please see Image 1.4.1). The graphs are available under the Flowsheet tab on the charting screen. The flowsheet types dropdown now has a new option LAB RESULTS. Numerical values of Lab results are provided in the upper pane. Click on any result in the upper pane to display the related graph in the lower pane.
1.4.2 Lab Hub Enhancements
1. The patient name is a hyperlink and it opens the patient demo screen.
2. The test Name is a hyperlink to the EHR chart from which the lab order was created. If this chart is in ‘Completed’ status, the test link will redirect the user to the chart’s narration.
3. The three-dot ellipsis menu at the end of the listing has an option named “Lab History” and it opens the lab tab of the patient’s chart and users can view the previous lab orders/results there.
1.4.3 Clinical Desktop- Unprocessed Count in Lab Orders
The unprocessed results count in the Lab Orders screen will no longer be dependent on the filters selected in the Clinical Desktop. However, all the counts in the lab pane – Pending Orders, Sent Orders, and Processed Results will continue to show counts based on the already selected filters.
1.4.4 Provision for Comments in the Lab Result Charts
Lab charts will now have a comments section (Level-1) wherein the user/provider can add comments pertaining to the lab results.
1.4.5 Letter Tags Added for Prescription and Current Medication
Two new letter tags have been added to replace the prescription and current medication. They are available under the “Tag” drop-down in Letter Master.
Prescription: #@PRESCRIPTION#@
Current medication: #@CURRENT_MEDI#@
1.4.6 Sorting of Systolic & Diastolic in Facesheet PDF
The PDF output will mimic the Facesheet’s sorting order for Systolic and Diastolic values on the same DOS.
1.4.7 Immunization Screen
1.4.7.A New Lookup for Funding Source
A new look-up has been added for the funding source drop-down in the Immunization screen. The lookup can be accessed from EHR Admin-> EHR Lookup. (See Image 1.4.7a)
1.4.7.B Patient Consent Info
PracticeSuite will henceforth capture patient’s consent for the healthcare provider to share their personal and medical data with government programs or organizations. Three additional fields will be added to the Immunization screen to display consent-related info along with a help icon. They are given below.
Approval for Sharing: This is a check box indicating the patient’s consent.
Consent Type: Immtrac CHILD, ImmTracAdult, Disaster Content
Consent Date: Date of consent
1.5 Single Sign-on Systems
A few changes have been made to the user interface of the group login page.
A. Removed check boxes beside the account names; instead account names will now be clickable.
B. The size of the email id field increased from 40 to 100.
C. The following screens have been updated to new UI.
Claims Workbench, Collections Manager, ERA, Statement, and Message.
D. The patient name within the patient search listing screen has been made a hyperlink that opens into the patient’s demo screen. Please see Image 1.5c.
1.6 Payment Reversal
A small change has been made to the payment reversal feature. Bulk reversals and full refunds will henceforth clear the amounts entered in the applied to – copay, co-ins, and deductible. For partial refunds, the amounts will remain unaffected.
1.7 ERA
1.7.1 Warning for Duplicate ERAs
A new warning has been made available in the ERA Listing screen to alert users if a duplicate ERA exists. If another ERA with the same check# and charge amount exists, the warning flag is shown for the ERA. This warning will trigger regardless of whether the payment has been succesfully processed or not.
1.7.2 Home Screen to Show ERA Creation Date
The creation date and time fields on the ERA Home screen will now display the true creation date of the ERA and the production date will be shown as a mouseover.
1.8 New Time Zone Introduced
A new Mountain Time Zone (Arizona) has been made available for use in the settings for localities that do not follow daylight saving time. The existing Mountain Time Zone (MT) is adjusted for DST.
1.9 XSuperbill – Charges in BILL-TO-SE bucket Made Editable
The Bill_to_SE charges in the XSuperbill screen will be editable similar to the charges in the Bill_to_PR.
1.10 Document Manager- Tooltip for Doc Folder Listing
Users can mouse over the documents folder listing on the left pane to view the full name and count as a tooltip. Please see Image 1.10.
1.11 Patient Statement- VIN # relabeled in Pay Slips
The “VIN #” on patient statement pay slips has been renamed to “Security Code”. Note that this change is only applicable to the standard statement template and not to those accounts that have a custom statement.
1.12 Fax Setup- Audit Log
The audit trail for the activities related to fax setup has been made available on the Audit Viewer screen. Users can view the activities by selecting PRACTICE OPTION or PRACTICE OPTION DETAILS and running the search. Please see Image 1.12
1.13 Case Switch Screen – Selecting all DOSs in one go
When switching cases, users can choose all dos on the list by checking the ‘select all’ checkbox on the dos header.
Part – 2 Reports
2.1 Offline Reporting In G2. Denial Report
G2. Denial report is now equipped with the offline reporting feature which can aid users when there is a need to extract large report data spanning a large date range.
2.2 I8. Summary Encounter Line Activities Report
2.2.1 Authorization Info
The authorization number (Auth#) for an encounter will now be shown in the last column within the detailed csv export and in the offline views of the I8 report.
2.2.2 Closing Line Status to show up in I8
The line status of the encounter line at the time of closing the month will be shown in the detailed csv and in the offline outputs of the I8 report. If the month is not closed, the current line status will show up in this field.
Part – 3 Resolved Items
3.1 Tertiary EDI Claims
In certain scenarios, tertiary EDI claims were being rejected. This issue has been addressed.
3.2 XSuperbill – Processing of Charges with Warnings
In the XSuperbill screen, users were unable to process charges that had warnings. This is now resolved.
3.3 EHR
3.3.1 Adding Diagnoses codes via Repository
Diagnoses codes added to a patient’s chart via the repository were not visible on reopening the chart. This has been addressed and the codes are visible at once on saving the chart.
3.3.2 Issues Resolved in the New Charting Tool
A. Addressed the issue of Missing Fax Option in Narration.
B. Resolved the problem of missing the Save and Close buttons when opening a narration of a completed chart for editing by using the icon.
C. The small and unexpansive screen of Rx pop-up has been corrected.
D. Fixed the issue wherein ICD -10 added to a chart via repository was not getting crossed over to billing.
E. Resolved the problem when editing the Ex-paragraph inside a note. Also, the non-functional option ‘Start at New Line’ in the level-2 settings has been corrected.
F. Corrected the issue where no values got inserted when the user saved a level-2 as a drop-down.
G. As the modern UI does not support the use of level-2 rights, users were unable to edit the already existing level-2 right values. This issue is now addressed. The system will now show the level-2 rights along with level-2 downs when they open the level-2 pop-up for editing.
H. Special character “#” in level-1 names prevented the loading of level-2 right. This is now addressed.
I. Corrected the immunizations duplicating issue on the Specialty tab when it was being entered from the chart.
J. The issue with level-2 fields accepting only long text has been resolved. Users can now change the level-2 type to any of their choice.
K. Resolved the canned sheet copy issue where it failed to copy certain level-1 sub-components.
3.3.3 Facesheet Tab- Listing order Rectified
The issue of the listing order when set from the EHR admin screen not reflecting on the Facesheet has been resolved. All items except for the Problem List will be listed as per the ordering pre-set from the EHR Lookups (Lookup Type: HIGHLIGHT_VALUE). Also, the screen jerks for the collapse and expand functions of the Facesheet tab have been resolved.
3.4 ERA
3.4.1 Processing Secondary Insurance Prior to Primary
When processing secondary insurance before the primary, the system used to set all encounters of the patient of the same dos with the line status ‘Claim_Sent_to_SE’. This is now corrected.
3.4.2 Posting Denials for a Patient with the Same DOS
When posting CO-24 and CO-B13 denials together for two separate procedure codes of the same patient and the same DOS, CO-B13 used to get posted twice. This has been corrected.
3.5 Collections Manager- Date/Time Sort
The date/time sorting filter error in the Collections Manager has been addressed.
3.6 ‘G2. Denial Report’ – Non-functional Filters
G2 report errored when using certain filters such as “Exclude WO_CLOSE”, “Exclude PAID_CLOSE”, and “Exclude HOLD”. This has been addressed.
3.7 Scheduler- Previous Payments Unavailable
For patient names having apostrophes (” ‘ “), ‘View Previous Payments’ within the Scheduler brought up a blank screen. This issue has been resolved.
3.8 Document Manager Count
When the file count exceeded ’20’, a mismatch was seen in the document pane count on the left and the listing at the center of the Document Manager screen. This issue has been resolved.
3.9 Aging Error on the Home Screen Widget
An erroneous amount was shown for the aging on the home screen widget and the numbers reflected differently from the D3 report which depicted the accurate numbers. This error on the widget has been corrected.