PracticeSuite Release Note For Interfaces
Product Release Version: 19.8.4
Product Release Date: May 2021
© 2021 PracticeSuite
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Printed May 2021 at PracticeSuite, Inc.3206 Cove Bend Dr Suite A Tampa FL 33613
Part – 1 Enhancements
1.1 Elation- Appointments to be Mapped Using Service Location
Inbound: When Elation sends service location (SL) information in the appointment message, PracticeSuite will map according to the following scenarios.
a. If a Legal Entity assigned to that Service Location and the received provider is mapped to that Legal Entity, the appointment is mapped under that LE.
b. If the SL is not mapped to any LE, or is null or not given, then the appointment will be created under primary LE.
a. While sending an appointment to Elation, the SL code assigned to that LE will be sent along with the appointment message.
b. If no Service Location is assigned to the LE, a null value will be sent and in Elation under Service Location “No Location Specified” will be displayed.
2. Bug Fixes
2.1 Charges will be Taken from Only Active Fee Schedules
While selecting the fee schedule based on the service location, system did not verify whether the Fee Schedule master is inactive or not. This is resolved and the amount for the charges will not be taken from an inactive fee schedule even if the service location in the charge is attached to it.
2.2 Elation- New Line character in Patient Notes Handled
Users were not able to send patient notes back to Elation during patient update because new line characters in the patient notes from Elation were not handled suitably. This is now addressed and users can now send the notes back to Elation successfully.
2.3 Quanum- Modifiers Will Also be Read
Modifiers from Quanum were not read. This is now fixed and modifiers will also be read along with procedure codes sent from Quanum.