PracticeSuite Release Note For Interfaces
Product Release Version: 19.9.4
Product Release Date: Nov 2021
© 2021 PracticeSuite
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Printed November 2021 at PracticeSuite, Inc.3206 Cove Bend Dr Suite A Tampa FL 33613
Part – 1 Enhancements
1.1 Labcorp -Users Can Provide ‘Bill To’ Info From the Lab Order Submission Page
For Labcorp lab orders, users can now provide the ‘Bill To’ information from the order submission page itself; ‘Bill To’ drop-down is made available in the page having the following options: Practice, Patient, patient Insurance. If user selects a value from the drop-down before submitting, this info will be passed on to Labcorp; if no option is selected, the ‘Bill To’ value will be fetched from patient demographics as in the usual way.
1.2 Ramsoft- Visit Date to Admit date Mapping Removed
The visit date info in the charge message sent from Ramsoft was being mapped to Admit Date in PracticeSuite. This mapping is removed.
1.3 Elation- Demographic Outbound for Inactive Patients
When a patient is made inactive in PracticeSuite, the inactivation date will be sent to Elation for Elation to delete the corresponding patient record(Elation does not inactivate a patient record rather they delete it). However, when a patient is marked as ‘Deceased’ in PracticeSuite, this info is not sent to Elation as Elation presently does not store deceased info of patients.
Bug Fixes
2.1 Lab order Submission
While submitting lab orders, the requisition generated did not populate the necessary info. This is now corrected.