All about Demographics
Patient Demographics is the patient master page where all the personal information about a patient and his or her insurance details are entered and edited.
1. To access Patient Demographics, select Patient from the main menu. A patient search screen opens up (see Image 1).
2. To search a patient record, use any of the search criteria, such as last name, first name, MR #, or PC Ref number, to search for the patient. Clicking button brings up additional filters such as patient insurance #, phone (home phone, work, and cell phone can be searched using this field), DOB, SSN, and a checkbox to include inactive patients. The patients are listed according to criteria; click on any patient in the listing to view or edit the record.
3. To create a new patient record, click on button (highlighted in Image 1). The Patient Demographics page opens up. Enter the patient’s details. The fields marked with * are mandatory. Other fields can be entered then or edited later. On successful saving of the patient record, the left menu on the Demographics page gets enabled, as shown in Image 2.
4. When adding new patients to the system, if the cellphone number is entered, the communication preference for the first reminder will default automatically to the cellphone. The second preference defaults to email. Practice can always change the preferences if needed.
Demographics Screen
Important fields in the Patient Demographics Screen
Table 1
Patient Image:
The patient’s photo can be uploaded into the system in two ways. Click on the option to browse the scanned copy from a selected path in the system. The second method is option. This button opens the webcam to capture the patient’s image (see Image 6).
Patient Info. Incomplete:
Though a patient record can be successfully saved by entering the mandatory fields alone, the page shows a warning message at the top-right if the following fields are not populated. This is to avoid charge creation on incomplete patient data.
If all the fields in Table 2 are complete, sign shows up.
Table 2
Relevant Links in the Patient Demographics Page:
A. A summary of the financial transactions of the patient can be viewed by clicking the Financial Summary button on the far right of the Demographics screen.
B. The different tabs on the demographics page are provided below.
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C. Patient Demographics page provides several essential links, such as Case, Authorization, Eligibility, Notes, Alerts, etc., for entering information relevant to a patient record.
Links From Demographics Page | |
This is used for creating or editing cases related to a patient. More | |
This is for adding or editing authorizations for the patient. More | |
This link is used to check the eligibility of the patient. More | |
Guarantors for the patient can be added and edited on this screen. More | |
Set recalls or alerts for the patient here. More | |
The payment entry screen opens up from where the patient payment can be made. More | |
All notes about a patient can be entered here. More | |
This link helps set up portal access for patients. More | |
Other attributes of a patient include miscellaneous information such as the employer, attorney, whether the patient is to be exempted from reporting and from sending patient statements, etc. More | |
The payment plan (Installment) for the patient can be set up here. More |