Product Release Version: 20.4.0
EHR Version: EHR-18.0.0

        Product Release Date: November 2022

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Printed November 2022 at PracticeSuite, Inc.3206 Cove Bend Dr. Suite A Tampa FL 33613

Part – 1 Product Enhancements

1.1 Scheduler

1.1.1 Appointments in Dual Color

Appointments in the scheduler are now displayed in dual color.  Both the colors assigned for the status and type are displayed together within the appointment slot and this helps users easily recognize the status and type without any additional clicks. Please note, the option selected in the scheduler setup (status or type as the default option for the color) will be the primary color within the slot and covers the larger land area. Please see Image 1.1.1. If no color is assigned to a type or status, the entire slot will appear in a single color.

Image 1.1.1

1.1.2 Appointment Type Field

The appointment type field in the scheduler entry screen has been changed to searchable ajax. Users can type the whole or part of a keyword to bring up the results. The down arrow placed towards the right of the field can be used for listing all available options in the field (please see Image 1.1.2).

Image 1.1.2

1.1.3  Patient Alert Indicator

For patients having alerts added in their account, a bell icon will be visible in the information area of the appointment slot (see Image 1.1.3). This is to indicate that the patient has an active alert. Additionally, clicking on the bell icon in the appointment shortcut menu opens the patient alerts screen.

Image 1.1.3

1.1.4 Provider Multiselect Checkbox

For easier filtering of providers on the scheduler, the provider selection in the Search popup has been made a multi-select checkbox (please refer to Image 1.1.4).

Image 1.1.4

1.2 Patient Statements

1.2.1 Excel Export of Patient Listing

On the Patient Statement screen (C2. Generate Patient Statement Report), an excel export option has been made available for users to extract the list of patients and lines present in the current statement list. Additionally, a new column named “Last Statement Date” has been added to the statement listing screen (refer to Image 1.2.1).

Image 1.2.1

1.2.2 Statement DoS to Display Line Level DoS

All statement outputs including the ones sent to the clearinghouses will have the procedure level “From” and “To” date of service instead of the encounter date of service. This applies to CSV, PDF, and any other formats available.

1.3 Quick Help Tooltip for Reports

In the Report Central screen, mouse over a report to bring up a quick help tooltip providing a brief description of the report. Additionally, a help icon has been placed next to the report that opens the help academy page for a detailed description (please see Image 1.3).

Image 1.3

1.4 2023 ICD 10 Codes

The ICD-10 repository has been updated with the 2023 codes. The updated codes are effective from October 1, 2022.

1.5 Case Switch of Patient Lines- Auto Rebill

When the case for an encounter is switched from a Cash case to an Insurance type of case, the line(s) in the encounter will automatically be placed in a RE_BILL_TO_PR (rebill to primary) status.

1.6 EHR

1.6.1 GAD-7 Score Auto-Calculation

The system now facilitates GAD score auto-calculation from the charting screen. Selecting the answers from the drop-down (as shown in Image 1.6.1) will auto-calculate the GAD-7 score for the patient.

Image 1.6.1

LOINC Codes for GAD-7

Level 1 Code for Generalized anxiety disorder 7 item (GAD-7) should be 69737-5 and Respective Level 2 codes for each GAD 7 entry are shown below.

Item LOINC Code
Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge 69725-0
Over the past 2 weeks have you not been able to stop or control worrying 68509-9
Worrying too much about different things 69733-4
Trouble relaxing 69734-2
Being so restless that it is hard to sit still 69735-9
Becoming easily annoyed or irritable 69689-8
Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen 69736-7
Generalized anxiety disorder 7 item (GAD-7) total score 70274-6

1.6.2 Auto-Calculation of Waist-To-Hip Ratio, BSA Implemented

Measurement Formula Used Level 2 Loinc Codes Needed
Waist-To-Hip Ratio

Level 2 Code: WHR

Waist Circumference(cm)/Hip Circumference(cm) 97058-2 Waist circumference score for risk calculation

62409-8 PhenX – hip circumference protocol 020801

Body Surface Area(m²)

Level 2 Loinc Code: 8277-6

Mosteller Formula

SQRT{ [ height (cm) x weight (kg)] / 3600 }

Loinc Code Height- 8302-2

Loinc Code Weight-  3141-9

Note: Auto-calculation will occur only if the codes mentioned above are used.

1.6.3 Revamped Lab Orders Screen in Clinical Desktop

The recently rolled-out lab orders screen can now be accessed from the Clinical Desktop (as shown in Image 1.6.3).

Image 1.6.3

1.6.4 Unread Messages – Clinical Desktop

Users will be able to see the current unread message count on the “Message” tab head (refer to Image 1.6.4).

Image 1.6.4

1.6.5 New Color Scheme for Appointments Tab

For better readability and comprehensibility, the color schema in the appointments tab within the Clinical Desktop screen has been overhauled. The new color format has the labels in a clearer black font with a white background. The small color dot in the column represents the current status/type of the appointment.  Please see Image 1.6.5.

Image 1.6.5 

1.6.6 Diagnosis in the Active Problem List to Reflect the Status in Facesheet

When a diagnosis code is made Inactive/Void/Resolved in the Facesheet of a patient, the affected code will no longer be shown in the “Active Problem List” of the patient.

1.6.7 EHR Chart- Level 2 ‘Select All’ Option Extended to all Users

The ‘Select All’ checkbox in Level 2 has been made available for all users. Please see Image 1.6.7.

Image 1.6.7

1.6.8 Lab Results in Narration

To view any lab results that were entered manually into a chart, users can enter the following tag (without the quotes) into the Level-1 template to have them displayed on the clinical note – “#@LAB_RESULT_SUMMARY#@”.

1.7. Collection Manager

1.7.1 Prior Claim Info. to be Shown in Collection Manager

Claims rebilled to the same insurance level will display the previous activity info in the Collection Manager and show info in the following fields  – Sub Status, First Follow-up Date, and Last Follow-up Date in the claims listing section.  When the payer level changes, these fields will no longer display the previous activity info.

1.7.2 ‘Units’ Column in Excel and CSV Outputs

The excel and CSV outputs generated from the Collections Manager screen will include the procedure units.

1.8 New EDI Rules

Please note that the EDI rules only impact electronic claims and paper claims remain unaffected.

1.8.1 POS Override Rule Modified 

The POS rule made available in a recent release to override the code at the claim level has been extended to override at the line level. Use the syntax below to add this rule:


1.8.2. Use Group EDI Claim Rule without NPI

Leaving the NPI number blank for the group EDI claim rule will override just the group name ( billing provider name) without affecting the NPI. Where the NPI is left blank in the rule, the number will populate from the info saved in LE/Practice setup. The group name entered in the rule for the payer id(s) is populated in the billing provider segment (Loop 2010AA NM103 – corresponds to Box 33 Billing Provider Name in the CMS claim form).


 e.g.- 60054:GROUP::My Demo practice

1.8.3 Rule to Override Service Location in Claims

Use this rule to override the location info (Loop 2310C – corresponds to Box 32 Service Facility Location Information in the CMS claim form) for specific or all payers.


To blank the location NPI for specific or all payers, use the rule as in the example below:

<ALL>:SL::Test Location name:test address:test Address:FL:333232 

1.8.4 Rule to Populate Supervising Provider 

The following rule if added with the TRUE flag will force populate the supervising provider name and NPI in the claims for the payer id. Conversely, using the FALSE flag will prevent the provider’s info from populating in the claim.


1.8.5 Rule to Add/Remove Service Location for Prof/UB04 Claims


Note that this rule will work for both UB04/Institutional and Professional electronic claims.

1.9 Added Four New Clinical Quality Measures

Quality ID Description
282 Percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a diagnosis of dementia for whom an assessment of functional status is performed and the results reviewed at least once within a 12 month period
283 Percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a diagnosis of dementia and for whom an assessment of neuropsychiatric symptoms is performed and results reviewed at least once in a 12 month period
293 All patients with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease (or caregiver(s), as appropriate) who had rehabilitative therapy options (e.g., physical, occupational, or speech therapy) discussed in the last 12 months
386 Percentage of patients diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) who were offered assistance in planning for end of life issues (e.g., advance directives, invasive ventilation, hospice) at least once annually

Table 1

1.10 Mass Write-Off Screen- Insurance Listing

The primary, secondary, and tertiary insurance in the Case will now be displayed on the Mass Write-off screen. Also, users can mouse over the insurance to view the subscriber#. Please refer to Image 1.10. Additionally, Case#, DOS, PoS, SL, and insurance can also be viewed on the screen. 

Image 1.10

1.11 Mass Posting Screen -“Auto-Populate Paid Amount” for Insurance Lines

When the checkbox “Auto-Populate Paid Amount” is used for posting insurance lines, the paid amount will get auto-populated similar to how they work for patient lines.

1.12 Numbering in Patient Portal- Kiosk and Consent Forms

Patient Kiosk and Consent Forms will follow a continuous numbering sequence instead of the separate numbering.


Part – 2 Reports 

2.1 Report Central- Report Number Included in Tab Header

Opening a report from Report Central will display the report number along with the name on the tab header. Previously, only the report name showed on the header.

Image 2.1

2.2 ‘J16. Payments By Month By Provider Report’

For better readability, the Provider and Month fields have been flipped with the months shown in columns and provider data in rows. This change was made as the previous version could become a little difficult to read when there were multiple providers in the report.

Image 2.2

2.3 I8. Summary Encounter Line Activities Report

I8 report now includes additional fields in the CSV, Excel, and offline report versions. Please see Table 2 for the complete list of changes in this release.

New Field Added Detailed Excel Detailed CSV  Offline
Last Claim#
Line Note
Resubmission Code
Original Ref#
Adjustment Reason (already added in previous releases)
12 DX codes

Table 2

2.4 KPI- Two New KPIs Added

Two new Key Performance Indicators-  “Total Deposit” and “Change in A/R based on Total Deposit” have been added to the H13. KPI Dashboard Report. Additionally, three of the existing KPIs have undergone a small change in how they are calculated in the report. Table 3 displays the formula for the affected KPIs.

KPI Date Reported Monthly 6-months Average Year-to Date
Newly Added KPIs
Total Deposit Acct. date Total Deposits for the month (Total deposits for the prev. 6 months) / 6 Total Deposits for YTD
Change in A/R based on Total Deposit Acct. date Total deposit-total payment-total adjustment for the month (Total deposit-total payment-total adjustment for the prev. 6 months)/6 Total deposit-total payment-total adjustment for YTD
Formula Update for Existing KPIs
Avg. Reimbursement Rate per Claim DOS Total Paid amount / Total Encounters.

The total paid amount is the total of all payments up to the current date for encounters with dos 90 days behind for a period of 1 month

Finds the total of avg. reimbursement for the previous 6 months (with a 90-day look back) and divide by 6 Total Paid amount / Total Encounters

The total paid amount is the total of all payments up to the current date for encounters with dos 90 days behind from year start for a period of 1 month

Days in A/R DOS
(Total charge for the DOS period -total payments for the DOS-total adjustments for the DOS)÷(Total charge for the DOS
period/No of days)
DOS period: From the start till the end of the selected month
(Total charge for the 6-month period -total payments for the 6-month period-total adjustments for the 6-month period)÷(Total charge for the 6-month period/No of days)
Total charge for YTD -total payments for YTD-total adjustments for YTD )÷(Total charge for the YTD /No of days)
First Pass Resolution Rate(5 month look back) Claim Date
[(Total Number of lines resolved ( paid + deductible) on the first submission) ÷ Total Number of
lines resolved during same period)]*100
Find the total of the First Pass resolutions for the previous 6 months and divide by 6
[( Total Number of lines resolved ( paid + deductible) on the first submission) ÷ Total Number of
lines resolved during same period of time)]*100

Table 3

2.5 D2. Detailed-Insurance Aging Report

Payer Type info added to the excel and the detailed CSV outputs.


Part – 3 Resolved Items

3.1 EHR

 3.1.1 Provider Signature Tag

The issue with the provider signature tag not working for letters generated from EHR has now been resolved.

3.1.2 Weight Unit Type Field in Progress Monitor  

If the value entered was “NA” in Weight Unit Type in Progress Monitor, users were unable to access the prescriptions page of the patient. This issue has been addressed.

3.2 Collection Manager

3.2.1  ‘Resolved’ Status for ‘New’ Charges

We have addressed the issue where the charges in “New” status in Collection Manager could not be assigned “Resolved” status.

3.2.2 Denial Category Filter

The Denial Category filter failed to fetch any results for the no-response category. This is now resolved.

3.2.3 Corrected the Errors in Excel and CSV Outputs

The excel and CSV outputs of the Collection Manager failed to show any data when the “Show Reminders” option was checked and had inaccurate results when filtered with certain other criteria. These issues have been resolved.

3.3 C6. Patient Details Report Issue

C6 report errored when the patient’s race had multiple values in the demographics. This was due to the field size issue and has now been corrected.

3.4 Referring Provider Count Issue in E6 Report

In ‘E6. Productivity by Referring Providers Report (Summary)’, an error was identified in calculating the referring provider count when the referring provider was selected with the option “Same as Rendering Provider”. This is resolved.

3.5 Scrolling in Patient Ledger

If there were a large number of data on the patient ledger, the bottom-to-top scroll locked up and users were unable to scroll back up to the top of the ledger. This issue has been resolved.

3.6 Ending A/R mismatch Between J32 and J9 Report

In certain borderline scenarios the ending a/r numbers in J32. Detailed System Financial Report and J9. Daily/Month End Close Report did not match. This has been addressed.

3.7 G5 Offline Report Issue

The G5 offline report generation where it occasionally failed to pull the data has now been resolved.