Product Release Version: 20.4.4
EHR Version: EHR-18.0.0

        Product Release Date: January 2023

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Printed January 2023 at PracticeSuite, Inc.3206 Cove Bend Dr. Suite A Tampa FL 33613

Part – 1 Product Enhancements

1.1 EHR

1.1.1 Improved CCDA File Import

Besides Allergy, Medication, and Problem List, the enhanced CCDA import functionality enables the import of Vitals, Immunization, Plan of Treatment, and other components. All the imported items will be highlighted on the patient’s face sheet. 

(Note: The imports are visible in the face sheet only if that category is already listed there)

1.1.2 New Items in CCDA Exports

Progress Notes, Procedure Notes, and Lab Notes are now included in the CCDA export data from the patient’s chart.

Create Level-1 components for the above three and use LOINC Codes for the Level-2 components as shown in Table 1.

Level-2 Component LOINC Code
Progress Note 11506-3
Procedure Note 28570-0
Lab Note 11502-2

Table 1

1.1.3 User Level Edit Lock for L1 and L2

Users can henceforth be restricted from editing the EHR Level-1 and Level-2 components.  To lock a user from editing the components, in the user management screen (Security menu), click on the option ‘Setup Remote Access” and go to the section ‘Clinical Access for HIPAA safeguard’; check the box named  ‘Do not Allow to Edit Level I and Level II’ ‘ and save. (Image 1.1.3).

Once the restriction is enabled for the user, the system will prevent the user from editing the component and throw a warning when the user tries to edit any of the L1 or L2.

Image 1.1.3

1.1.4 Select All for Ex-Paragraph Inline Popups

Users will have the option to select all the values in one go in the ex-paragraph inline popup screen by clicking the ‘Select All’ option and then clicking on  ‘Select’ (Image 1.1.4).

Image 1.1.4

1.2 Patient Portal

1.2.1 Welcome Message

A welcome message as shown in Image 1.2.1 is presented to patients when they log in for the first time in patient portal or patient kiosk.

Note: The practice name tag will populate the name of the Practice in the welcome message. Also, to complete each form, users have to click the form’s link to open and fill the form before saving it.

Image 1.2.1

1.2.2 Change in Caption

For accounts that have not enabled the credit card payment gateway, the button caption will read “View My Statement” on the Quick Pay page ( as shown in Image 1.2.2) instead of “Proceed to Pay”. 

Image 1.2.2

1.3 Amount Field – Credit Card Payments

If a credit card payment is successfully processed by the gateway (USIO), the amount field in the payment screen becomes non-editable. This is to prevent reconciliation and reporting discrepancies that can occur if amount changes are permitted for the posted transactions.

1.4 Charge Master- Refund Tracking

In order to facilitate easier refund tracking, when refunds are posted, the source and target payment numbers, and the amount gets captured in the line activity in Charge Master. See Image 1.4.

Image 1.4

1.5 Insurance Master

1.5.1 New Values in A/R Method Drop-Down

Additional values are added to the ‘A/R Method’ dropdown in the Insurance Master screen; please see Image 1.5.1. The new values that are added are the following-

* Auto Claims

* Workers Comp

*  PS Claims

*  Attorney

Image 1.5.1

1.5.2 Creation Date Field

The insurance’s creation date is added to the insurance master excel output.

1.6 Capitated Insurances- Co-pay Exclusion from Auto Write Off

For the insurance flagged as capitated in the system, practices can now opt to either have the balance written off in its entirety or to exclude the copay balance from the automatic write-off feature.  The system determines the copay amount to be left on the line from either the primary payment postings or the co-pay amount saved in the patient’s primary insurance plan.

To enable the above, go to Advanced Setup-> Billing Options and check the box named ‘Exclude Co-Pay from CHMO Write-Off’, and then hit ‘Save’.

Image 1.6

1.7 Letter Master- New Tag Next Appt Info

Users can have the follow-up/ next appointment info displayed on the letters generated from the system by using the tag – <<NEXT_APPOINTMENT>> Below are the notable properties of this new tag-

    1. Populates the next appointment date and time.
    2. This tag works only for letters generated from the scheduler.

1.8 UB04 Charge Entry

Increased the field size for ‘Document Control #’  (Box no. 64) in the UB04 Charge entry screen. The new length for the field is 50 characters.

1.9 Updated the Immunization Code Repository

The Immunization CVX code repository has been updated. 

 1.10 CQM-  New Measure Added

The table below lists the new measure that is added.

Quality ID Description Measure# NQF ID
375 Percentage of patients 18 years of age and older with primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) who completed baseline and follow-up patient-reported functional status assessments 66 None

1.11 ERA- PR1 and PR2 Codes in Print

ERA page to list the deductible and co-insurance adjudication codes.  Please refer to Image 1.11 for more info. Below are the notable changes.

    1. The adjudication code PR-1 is enclosed in braces under the deductible head for amounts > 0.
    2. The adjudication code PR-2 is enclosed in braces under the coinsurance head for amounts > 0.
    3. PR1 and PR2 are added to the ERA legend in the print.

Image 1.11


Part – 2 Reports 

2.1  Contractual Adjustment Amount Field in 3 Reports

Added a new field named ‘Contractual Adjustment Amt’ in the excel output of I8. Summary- Encounter Line Activities Report‘ (also in CSV), ‘D2. Detailed-Insurance Aging Report‘, and ‘G5. Collector Worklist Report.

The formula for the contract adjustment calculation is given below. 

Contractual Adjustment Amt = Billed Amount – Allowed Amount

Note: If there are no postings on the line, the contractual adjustment will be displayed as zero.

2.2 ‘I8. Summary- Encounter Line Activities Report’ – Added New Fields

Other fields added to the detailed excel of I8 are –  Charge per unit, Co-pay, Co-ins, and Deductible.

Charge per unit has also been added to the report’s CSV output.

Report File Type Fields Added in This Release
I8 Detailed Excel Contractual Adj. Amt

Charge per unit




  CSV Contractual Adj. Amt

Charge per unit

2.3 ‘D2. Detailed-Insurance Aging Report’ – Added New Fields

New fields added to the D2 report are Expected amt, Units, Modifiers, Ins. Paid and Patient Paid.

Report File Type Fields Added in This Release
D2 CSV Contractual Adj. Amt

Expected amt



Ins. Paid 

Patient Paid

  Excel Contractual Adj. Amt

Table 2

2.4 ‘E9. Interface Log Report’ – Added Accession #

For all inbound charge messages, the accession # of the encounter will be displayed on the report. This info is also added to the excel output.

Image 2.4

2.5 ‘C1. New Recall Report’ – Added Patient Communication Info 

* C1 report now includes the patient’s home phone#, cell phone # and email address.

* The patient name which had separate fields for first, last and middle names has been merged into a single field and is displayed in the format – last name, first name, middle name.

Image 2.5

2.6 ‘J5. Productivity Report’

The following modifications have been made to the J5 report –

* J5 report defaults to the summarized view instead of the detailed view. 

* Type of Service(ToS) field to display the ToS description beside the value.

* Serial # added to the report.

Image 2.6

2.7 ‘I6. Posting Detail Report’ – Added Revenue Code

For the institutional bills (UB04), a new column to report the revenue code is added to I6. Posting Detail Report. The new field is available in the detailed and summary excel, and PDF output.

2.8 ‘E6. Productivity  by Referring Providers Report(Summary)’

E6 report has been revamped and is now compliant with the updated accounting logic wherein the charge and payment activities always get accounted in the open period. With this update, the report numbers in E6 will match with other reports that adhere to the updated accounting logic such as J1 and J9 reports.

2.9 ‘I18. Credit Card Transaction Report’- Added New Columns

‘Payment Type’ and ‘Payer Type’ fields have been added to the I18 report. The payment type helps to identify whether the transaction is a refund or any other.

Image 2.9

2.10 ‘A10. Eligibility Status Report’- Added Appt Type

‘Appointment Type’ is added to the A10 report and its excel output.

Image 2.10


Part – 3 Resolved Items

3.1 TeleMed Connection Issue 

Resolved the telemed connection issue when used from a mobile device.

3.2 Out-of-Sync Status for Kiosk Forms

Resolved the error where the kiosk forms showed pending status even when the forms were never submitted in the portal.

3.3 Charge Master- NDC Issue

For the encounters having multiple procedure codes where there is a mix of codes with and without NDC code, the NDC code was populated for all the codes in the claim. This issue has been resolved.

3.4 Claim Count Mismatch – I8, D2 and Collection Manager

When either I8 or D2 reports were filtered using Collections Status or Substatus, there was a discrepancy in the two reports and it showed a mismatch with Collection Manager numbers. This has been corrected and now I8 and D2 reports will be in sync with Collection Manager data.

3.5 Inactivated Immunization Entries

Resolved the issue of inactivated immunization entries appearing in the specialty tab in EHR.

3.6 Claim# Format – G1. Claims Detail Report

The error in claim# format in the excel output of G1 report has been corrected.

3.7 Pharmacy Listing in Patient Attributes

When searching a pharmacy by name in the pharmacy search field on the patient attributes page, only names in uppercase were getting populated in the dropdown for selection. This is now resolved.

3.8 Inter-Office Messaging – Deleted Messages

When the receiver deletes an inter-office message, it showed up in the sent list of other users. This has been addressed and the deleted messages hereafter will only appear in the sender’s sent list.

3.9 Claims Workbench- CoB Claims in HOLD Bucket

There used to be a mismatch between the hold count and the hold list when the cob claims were included in the report. The count that appeared on the left pane included the cob claims, however, the hold list did not show these claims. This error has been resolved and the hold list will now include the cob claims.

3.10  Warning in XSuperbill for Voided Charges

The duplicate charge warning message – ‘Charge already exists for the Same Date of Service’ appeared for duplicate voided charges. This issue has been addressed and the duplicate warning will no longer appear if the duplicate charge has been voided.

3.11 G1 Report Issue for ‘Rejected’ Payer Status 

Resolved the issue where G1 report failed to load when the report was run with the rejected status filter.

3.12 ‘Copy Last Charge’ for  Institutional Claims

When the fee schedule is modified, the copy last charge option did not work as intended on the UB04 screen. This issue has now been resolved.

3.13 Mismatch in D1 and D2 Reports

Resolved the mismatch in outstanding amounts between D1 and D2 reports.

3.14 Mismatch in D6 and D14 Reports

D6 and D14 had differences in the totals displayed and this issue has now been corrected.