Product Release Version: 21.0.0
EHR Version: EHR-18.0.0
Product Release Date: March 2023
© 2023 PracticeSuite
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Printed March 2023 at PracticeSuite, Inc.3206 Cove Bend Dr. Suite A Tampa FL 33613
Part – 1 Product Enhancements
1.1 EHR- Major Upgrade in PracticeSuite EHR Charting Tool
The charting tool in PracticeSuite EHR undergoes a major upgrade in design and functionality in this release. The notable changes in this release are the following:
1.1.1A. Charting Screen UI Design Overhaul
The entire charting module now has an improved look and feel. Level-1 and Level-2 components have been upgraded in design and function and Level-2 down/right options have been brought beside the component. There is a change in the positioning of the save button and the items in the face sheet are made visible within the charting screen.
Please refer to Image 1.1.1a for a bird’s eye representation of the screen.
1.1.1B Charting Tool Version Setup
EHR Options within the EHR Admin screen has a new dropdown for admins to choose the version to use for the clinical desktop screen. Admins can choose either the latest – “Modern” or stay with the existing – “Classic”.
1.1.2 Dynamic Level-2 Components with Grouping Option
Additional customization features for facilitating easy and error-free data entry are made available in Level-2. The current upgrade makes available to users the feature to convert existing L2 item(s) to a textbox, text area, drop-down, ex-paragraph, single choice, multi-choice, number, and date/time according to the value type it accepts. The Level-2 Add/Edit screen has a new field named ‘Field Type’ and users can choose the type of input in this field; see Image 1.1.2c.
Additionally, the level-2 item list can be split up into various groups. This facilitates users to either select or unselect all items within a group with a single click. Grouping becomes beneficial particularly when you have a lengthy level-2 item list. Click on the “Group Select” icon beside the Level-2 header. Please refer to Image 1.1.2a.
A new window then opens up with all the L-2 items categorized by groups (see Image 1.1.2b). Select the required group by clicking the “Select All” option and finally click on the “Select” button at the bottom of the screen to add all the chosen items in the selected groups to the chart.
To add a group, type a name for the group in the Level-2 group code field in the L-2’s Add/Edit screen. To add items to the same group, give each item the same group code. All items with the same name are clubbed into the same group. Entries without a group code fall into a default group named ‘Others’.
1.1.3 Facesheet Data Visible From Within the Charting Screen
The previous face sheets and their entries will appear on the right-hand side of the charting screen. Users will no longer have to exit the charting screen to either view or copy the face sheet info.
Users can also copy the face sheet data entirely from all previous encounters or from a single encounter into the current chart. A copy icon is made available for each face sheet item when the corresponding Level-1 component is clicked. To copy all face sheet data from previous encounter notes, users can select any specific encounter from the drop-down and click on the copy icon to the right of the dropdown (as shown in Image 1.1.3).
Additionally, a search field is provided at the Face Sheet header to search and retrieve required items.
1.1.4 Changes to the Save Option
A. The ‘Save As’ drop-down on the charting page has been repositioned to the bottom right corner (see Image 1.14a).
B. The page that appears on saving a chart has been redesigned and includes two vertical panes with the left-hand side displaying the narration and the right showing the clinical summary of the patient with info on CCDA, Orders, Letters, Documents, CDSS, and more. Please see Image 1.1.4b.
1.1.5 Copy Component-wise Data from a Canned Sheet
It is now possible to copy a single component data from a canned sheet instead of having to reuse the canned sheet entirely. A copy icon is added beside the component name to copy the content. This change now saves both time and labor for users. Previously users had to have everything copied from the sheet and then later modify it to include the info that was required.
By clicking on this new copy option, a pop-up appears to select the canned sheet and choose the components that need to be copied to the current sheet. A list of all canned sheets that have data filled for the selected component will appear in the list. The plus sign beside the canned sheet name will also display the values prefilled in the component.
1.1.6 Multi-Column View for Level-2s
Users hereafter have the ability to change the layout of Level-2 from a single-column view to multi-columns (two or three). This gives a refreshing look and feel to the charting screen and additionally, helps to eliminate the continuous scroll when there is a long list of L-2s. To change the view, users can open the Add/Edit screen in Level-1 and change the value in the field named “Number of Columns to Display”. Please refer Image 1.1.6a and 1.1.6b which show the setup field and the layout after the view is changed.
Note: Users can also arrange columns in the midst of charting by clicking on the bars at the top-right-hand corner of the screen (see the highlighted portion in Image 1.16b). This will allow users to chart at their convenience without disturbing the existing Level-1 setting. Note that this setting is temporary and will remain only till the chart is closed. When the chart is reopened, the layout will revert to the original setting.
1.1.7 Display of Level-2 Down and Right
Level-2 down and right options will henceforth be displayed beside the L-2 item.
1.1.8 Easily Add/Remove Level-2 Contents
Click any L-2 down option to add it to the L-2 component. If a selected L-2 down needs to be erased, click on it again, and it is removed from the L-2. Also, you do not lose the already typed-in/selected contents when charting by unchecking the level-2 box. The last entered contents will reappear if the box is checked again. Please watch video 1.1.8 for the short visual demo.
Video 1.1.8
1.1.9 Upgraded the Level-1 Add/Edit Screen
To accommodate the new charting functionalities and workflows, an upgrade has been made to the Level-1 Add/Edit screen; please see Image 1.1.9.
1.1.10 Upgraded the Lab Order AOE Page
As seen in Image 1.1.10, the Lab Order page has been upgraded with a better user interface and layout to make it more intuitive and easy to read.
1.1.11 Search Option for Level 1 Components
A search filter is added in the Level-1 header for users to quickly search and locate any L-1 or sub-items. On entering the text into the search field, the matching L-1 component or sub-component is brought up on the screen.
1.1.12 Downs Syndrome Growth Charts
Clinical Growth Charts for Downs Syndrome are now available in the EHR. The charts made available are the following:
Growth Charts for Children with Down Syndrome Birth to 36 months: Length-for-age percentiles.
Growth Charts for Children with Down Syndrome 0 to 36 months: Weight-for-length percentiles.
The above charts are gender-specific and will be present in the charting tool under the “Specialty” tab
based on the patient’s gender.
1.1.13 EHR Level-1 Component Tag
All Level-1 components can now be tagged in letters added from Letter Master. To convert an L-1 as a tag, in the L-1’s Add/Edit screen, a new check box named “Tag” has been made available and users can check this box for the components that need to be used as a tag in letters. Please refer to Image 1.1.13a.
Also, a new drop-down named “EHR Tag” is added in Letter Master to list the tagged Level-1 and Level-2 components. See Image 1.1.13b.
1.2 Lab Hub – Upgraded Lab Result Processing Page
Our enhanced lab page, “Lab Hub”, helps users to – a. track all orders and b. conveniently send pending orders to labs. The page has additional fields made available for users to track and submit lab orders.
* New search parameters are added to the search, to search by ordering date (dos) and test date.
* New columns – test date and test name added to the search results.
Clinical Desktop to also show counts of pending orders; sent orders; processed and unprocessed results in the “Lab Results” pane.
* Status: The statuses available on the Lab Hub page are shown below.
Status | Description |
Pending Orders | Orders in a patient’s chart that are not yet sent to the lab |
Sent Orders | Orders in the chart that have already been sent to the lab |
Processed Results | The results are imported into the system and processed. Status in the lab result will reflect in the status field. |
Unprocessed Results | The results are imported into the system and pending processing. Status in the lab result will reflect in the status field. |
* An ellipsis (the 3-dot option) is provided at the right-hand side of the listing screen which includes the following tracking/action items. Please see Image 1.2.
Menu Item | Description |
View Order | For pending orders, this shows the order details. This is unavailable for all other statuses. |
View Result | If the results are processed, this option will be available and users can view the PDF output. |
Send | Submit pending lab orders to the lab. |
View Requisition | Available for all Orders in Sent status. |
View Label | Available for all Orders in Sent status. |
1.3 Immunization Changes
1.3.1 Immunization Report Changes
A. A new filter to search by ordering provider is added to the immunization report. Additionally, two new columns are included in the report header to show the created user and the ordering provider.
B. When a user tries to save a new immunization record without the ordering provider (that is if the “Administrative Notes” field is chosen as “New Immunization Record” and the “Ordering Provider” field is left blank) the system will flag a warning “Ordering Provider is mandatory for new immunization records”.
1.3.2 New Lookup Added for VFC programs
New Lookup added for VFC programs. While adding New Immunization entries, click on the down arrow in the VFC program drop-down to display all active Lookup values. See Image 1.3.2.
1.4 ERA- Enhanced Auto Payer Creation Functionality
For the secondary (cob) auto-payer creation from the ERA, practices can opt to always have the payer of their choice added as the secondary insurance, this is instead of getting added from the cob info in the ERA. When enabled the cob info in the ERA will get overridden and the selected payer will be used and added to the patient’s demographics.
For this, the “Billing Options” page has a new field named Default COB Payer Name beside the field named – “Auto Create COB payer from ERA”. The new field has the pre-set value “Default from ERA”. If this default value is retained in the field, the ERA auto-payer creation will work as normal, adding the payer from the cob info. Alternatively, if a payer is selected in the Default COB Payer Name when the ERA processing occurs and if a secondary payer is not present in the patient’s demographics, the selected payer is always added as the secondary for the patient.
1.5 Payments- Email Configuration for Payment Receipts
PracticeSuite has brought in a change in the sender info for payment receipt email notifications. If using the default settings, payment receipts will henceforth have the sender address as “”. Practices preferring to use their own email can continue to do that by providing their email configuration information in the Notifications screen in ‘Advanced Setup’.
1.6 Mass Write-Off Screen Changes
Collection Status and Collection Sub Status are added as multi-select filters in the Mass Write-Off screen. Additionally, the existing Procedure Code filter has been enhanced and gives the ability to search by both procedure codes and modifiers.
1.7 XSuperbill – Change in Warning Message Context
The warning message that is flagged for duplicate charges will henceforth be displayed only if the procedure codes in both encounters are the same. A patient visiting the same provider within the practice where the codes are different will no longer be flagged as a duplicate.
1.8 Audit Trail for LE Provider Assignment
Audit Viewer will hereafter capture both the assignment and de-assignment of providers from Legal Entities.
2. Reports
2.1 ‘J6. Charges/Payments Reconciliation Report’
A new column is added to the “Charges and Unposted Charges” tab of the J6 report output to display the date of accident (DOA) of the patient.
2.2 ‘G2. Denial Report’- New Fields Added to the Report
Field | Description |
D1, D2, D3, D4 | Diagnosis pointers. |
Denial Date | Check date of the remit that has the denial. |
POS | Place of Service. |
Previous Denial Date | For claims that are denied more than once. |
ICN# | ICN# of the previous claim will appear if the claim is denied more than once. |
Check# | Check# |
2.3 ‘C2. Generate patient Statement(s) Report’
Added new columns to CSV and excel outputs of the C2 report.
CSV | Patient DOB, Accession# |
Excel | Guarantor Address |
2.4 ‘G4. Claims Line Level Report’
Added columns to display “Payment#” and “Last Payment Date” related to a claim.
2.5 Supervising Provider added to I8 and I6 report
Column added in ‘I8. Summary Encounter line Activities Report’ and ‘I6. Posting Detail Report’ to display the supervising provider’s name.
2.6 ‘I8. Summary Encounter Line Activities Report’
Added a column in the detailed CSV to display the allowed amount. If no postings, the allowed amount will be shown as zero. If payment is posted, it is calculated by dividing the allowed amount posted by the units to show the amount (allowed per unit).
Allowed Amount = Allowed Amount Posted/No. of Units
2.7 ‘E9. Interface Log Report’
E9 report will henceforth capture CCDA outbound transactions. Previously, only inbound CCDA transactions were being pulled into the E9 report. A new column ‘Action’ has been added which indicates how the CCDA document was extracted from the system. Please see Image 2.7.
Action | Description |
Sent | This is reflected in the ‘Action’ column whenever a chart is saved in CCDA-enabled accounts- the CCDA is sent automatically on saving the chart. |
Transmitted | This reflects in the Action column when the user clicks the ‘Transmit CCDA’ from any of the screens |
Downloaded | This reflects in the Action column when the user downloads the CCDA from any of the screens |
3. Resolved Items
3.1 Patient Ledger- Corrected Total Balance Due
The ‘Total Balance Due’ in the patient ledger showed a penny as balance even when all dues were cleared for the patient. This is now corrected.
3.2 Fax Document Upload Issue
Documents uploaded for faxing from the documents section used to get cropped at the sides. This issue has been addressed.
3.3 D2 Report- Issue in CSV File Rectified
Resolved the “Last Follow-Up Note” issue in ‘D2. Detailed Insurance Aging Report’ where it failed to properly display the data in the report when double quotes were present in the note.
3.4 Status in Immunization Report
Resolved the status issue where some immunization records were wrongly shown as sent.
3.5 Payment Refund for Credit Card Payments
On saving a refund done through a check for a credit card payment, the credit card# of the original payment was retained on the screen instead of the refund check#. This is now addressed.
3.6 A1. Appointment Schedule Report Excel Output
A1 excel output displayed all records for all providers irrespective of the filter applied in the report. This has been resolved.
3.7 Date Format in the CSV Output of C2 Report
There was a formatting issue observed in MAC devices in the date field of the CSV output of the C2 report. This is now resolved.
3.8 EHR- Error in Saving Charts Having End-Dated Procedure Codes
The error message that used to pop up when saving a chart that included end-dated procedure codes has been resolved.
3.9 ‘A2. Appointment Worksheet Report’
Removed the direct excel extraction option in the A2 report. This option continues to be available in the A1 report.