What is a Facesheet?

Facesheet is a complete and comprehensive list of the patient’s medical history, including allergies, problem lists, chief complaints, social history, smoking history, vital signs, etc. Data gets added to the facesheet’s respective headers when a patient chart is saved. Users can also add data directly to a Facesheet.

Listing order of the headers in the Facesheet is set up from EHR Advanced->EHR Admin->Lookups. Select HIGHLIGHT_VALUE and click on Search to list the Facesheet headers. Double-click on any to view the listing order.

Image 1

Statuses in the Facesheet

1. Each item in the facesheet will have the following statuses: Active, Inactive, Void, Pending, Resolved and Completed. Statuses can be added from the EHR admin page. To add a new facesheet status, click on the ‘New Lookup Values’ on the top-right corner.

Image 2


* Facesheet Data Visible From Within the Charting Screen

In the modern version of the charting tool, the previous face sheets and their entries will appear on the right-hand side of the charting screen. Users need not exit the charting screen to either view or copy the face sheet information.

Users can also copy the face sheet data from all previous encounters or a single encounter into the current chart. A copy icon is available for each face sheet item when the corresponding Level-1 component is clicked. To copy all face sheet data from previous encounter notes, users can select any specific encounter from the drop-down and click on the copy icon to the right of the drop-down (as shown in Image 2).

Additionally, a search field is provided in the Face Sheet header to search for and retrieve the required information.


1. The facesheet will only show active items from the sheet for copying the data.

2. A checkbox is available for selectively copying items from the facesheet into the chart. A “Select All” option for selecting all items is also available on the screen.

Image 3

*Facesheet Printing

PracticeSuite permits selective printing of Facesheet items. Users can use checkboxes to select which items should be included in the PDF output. By default, all items are selected. Items that do not have data will be disabled.

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