The initial set up of ORM like the auth mail ID, auth Mail password, SMTP host, etc., can be done in the Survey tab in the Appointment Notification/Reminder Set up page. The below-given steps explain the way to set up ORM.

1. Login to Practicesuite.

2. Select Advanced Setup module from the main menu and click on Notifications.

3. Go to Survey tab in the Appointment Notification/Remainder Setup page (see Image 1).

Image 1

4. Enter details in the below-required fields:

4.1. Auth Mail: Enter your Mail Id from which the Survey needs to be sent.

4.2 Auth Password: Enter your Auth Mail

4.3 SMTP Host: Enter the Auth Mail Host address.

4.4 Survey Message Setup: Setup includes a subject field and a message body. Message option can be either a Generic one or a preformatted Template:

a. Generic: Enter the survey mail content that has to be sent in the Message text area.

b. Template: Choose the mail template from the available template list in the drop-down. (Note: To set up a mail template, create a letter in letter master with Group Code as ‘SURVEY-TEMPLATE’)

4.5 Redressal Message Setup: Setup includes the subject field and a message body. Message option can be either a Generic one or a preformatted Template.

a. Generic: Enter the redressal survey mail content that has to be sent in the Message text area.

b. Template: Choose the mail template from the provided template list. (Note: To set up a mail template, create a letter in letter master with Group Code as ‘SURVEY-TEMPLATE’)

4.6. Survey Expires in: Enter the number of days in which a survey should expire automatically.

4.7. Enable: Option to enable/disable the ORM.

5. Click on Save.