PracticeSuite Release Note For Interfaces

Product Release Version: 23.5.1

        June 2024 Product Release 

© 2024 PracticeSuite

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Printed June 2024 at PracticeSuite, Inc.

Part – 1 Enhancements

1.1  New Partnership with Inbox Health

PracticeSuite has partnered with Inbox Health, a prominent automated patient billing and communication service provider. Inbox Health offers automated patient billing services to manage patient accounts receivable efficiently. The interface operates bidirectionally, ensuring that patient information, charges, and insurance payments entered in PracticeSuite seamlessly transfer to Inbox Health, and vice versa for patient payments collected in Inbox Health.

1.2 OPUS Integration

PracticeSuite and OPUS have further strengthened their partnership by implementing a tighter integration for both charges and payments and adding advanced payment and single sign-on features.

Patient demographics and charge information flow bidirectionally. While OPUS remains the source system for patient and charge creation, any updates made in either system will automatically sync.

Both systems can now exchange patient balance details, including copay, deductible, and co-insurance balances. Additionally, PracticeSuite can receive credit card information from OPUS and store it for future use. Saved card information in PracticeSuite can be deleted from Opus. If any new cards are added or modified in PracticeSuite, the information is sent to OPUS for collecting the patient payment.

OPUS can also send charges to PracticeSuite with multiple line statuses. For the pending notes, once it is completed, OPUS transmits the complete visit details and the updated information is received in PracticeSuite. Additionally, any changes to charges in the XSuperbill screen and Charge Master including the line-level edits, are immediately returned to OPUS. 

Furthermore, screens such as Payments, Ledger, and the Patient Portal Quick Pay are accessible from OPUS via single sign-on (SSO).

1.3 Elation –  Additional Providers Mapped

With the current interface update, PracticeSuite can read the Referring Provider, Ordering Provider, and Billing Provider information from the charge message sent from Elation and will map any of the info received in the message to the corresponding fields within PracticeSuite.

Supervising provider and physician mapping were implemented in previous releases.

Note: This is an on-demand feature and should be enabled in Elation for the info of the providers to flow from Elation into PracticeSuite.

Provider Type in Elation Provider Type in PS HCFA Box No Note
Physician Rendering Provider Box 31 Both HCFA and electronic
Referring provider Referring Provider Box 17 Both HCFA and electronic
Ordering provider Ordering Provider Box 17 If no referring provider
Billing provider Line Level Provider Box 24J Both HCFA and electronic
Supervising Provider Supervising Provider Not populated in HCFA, however, will map to the relevant segments in the electronic claim.

1.4 Glycare – Auth # Mapping for Inbound ADT (Demographics) Message

Henceforth, the Authorization # in the inbound demographic message from Glycare will be read and saved in the Authorization Master in PracticeSuite. This authorization number will be assigned to the most recent case and auto-populated for the charges associated with the same case.

1.5 Quest Lab – Quest Account # in Req and Lab Labels

If practices choose multiple accounts for Quest Lab, the account number associated with the lab order will appear on the requisition and lab label. Additionally, in the ABN form sent to Quest, the patient’s medical record number (MR#) will populate the Medicare (HICN) field in the header.

1.6 Retrieve Patient Balance in PracticeSuite

Patient’s complete balance details for an encounter can now be accessed including line-level balances for all line statuses such as NEW, HOLD, INSURANCE, and PATIENT.

Part 2: Resolved Items

2.1 Quest Lab with Multi-Account Configuration

Previously, in multiple Quest lab account configurations, PDFs of the results were inaccessible for many locations. However, this issue has been resolved, and now PDFs from all accounts are readily retrievable.

2.2 Inbound Charge Message Issues

2.2.1 Procedure Code(s) in Inbound Charge Message

When adding new procedure lines to the existing charge over the interface, the units associated with the line were not populated correctly. This issue has been resolved.

2.2.2 Line Balance Correction

If the line balance is negative, it will now be reset to zero before the charge is sent over the interface.

2.3 Fee Schedule Error

Previously, inbound charges received via the interface had fee schedules mapped incorrectly. The custom fee schedule was erroneously applied even when the insurance-service location combination in the fee schedule did not match that of the incoming charge. However, this issue has been resolved, and now inbound charges will have fee schedules mapped based on the following criteria:

A. If PracticeSuite has a custom fee schedule with the same primary insurance-service location combination as in the inbound charge message, it will be selected for the charge.

B. If no such custom fee schedule exists, the system will choose a fee schedule that matches the insurance of the primary in the inbound charge.

C. If PracticeSuite lacks a fee schedule meeting the above criteria, the standard fee schedule (SFS) will be used for the inbound charge