PracticeSuite Release Note For Interfaces
Product Release Version: 19.7.9
Product Release Date: December 2020
© 2020 PracticeSuite
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Printed December 2020 at 37600 Central Court, Suite# 260, Newark, CA 94560
Part – 1 Enhancements
1.1 Insurance Plan Synch between PracticeSuite and Elation is henceforth Bi-Directional
When an insurance plan is created for an insurance in PracticeSuite, it will get created in Elation if the insurance plan outbound is enabled in PracticeSuite. For each such insurance plan created in Elation, Elation will send a unique Insurance Plan ID as a response which will get mapped in PracticeSuite for that insurance plan (Outbound Synch). Since Inbound Synch is already implemented, Insurance Plan Synch will henceforth be bi-directional.